Capítulo 5: Mi Vida Ahora

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"Nunca pensé que iba a vivir así." You laughed. "Claro, ser abogada en los Estados Unidos paga muy bien, y si me la vivía bien, pero ahora," You looked at the camera, rolling your eyes in exaggeration. "Ahora, me la vivo mejor." You smirked playfully.


"A mi," You pointed at yourself, " La verdad, me encanta ir de shopping." You smiled shyly.

"Al principio me daba una pena gastarme el dinero de Kevin," You covered your face in embarrassment. "Pero él siempre me decía, "Ve y comprate lo que quieras," y me daba su tarjeta, y yo "Ay no como crees," así toda chiviada," You laughed.

"Y después me llegaba con regalos, cuando íbamos a las tiendas de lugo, hasta pena me daba ver las cosas porque Kevin siempre veia y me decia "Te gusta eso?" Y veía yo el precio y le decía que no y al siguiente dia, me llegaba con lo que había visto." You laughed again.

-interview with Kevin-

"Si pudiera comprarle el mundo a Y/n," He paused and looked at the camera with a serious face, "Lo haria." He said.

"En serio," He said with a serious tone. "Se lo merece, eso y mucho más." He said.

"Me gusta consentirla," He smiled at the camera as he shrugged his shoulders. "No tiene nada de malo." He shook his head at the camera.

"Ella es muy penosa," He laughed. "Yo siempre le digo, "Mi dinero es tu dinero," y es cierto. Trabajo para que mi familia este bien." He said. 

-camera shows a video of you and Kevin-

"Feliz Cumpleaños amor!" Kevin stood next to you with a very big Chanel box in his hands.

You turned to look at him with wide eyes. Your eyes widening more as you see Kevincito and Rori walk towards you, struggling to drag Chanel bags.

You looked at Kevin again, giving him a questioning look.

"Wow," You smiled. "Gracias," You gave Kevin a hug before bending down to give the kids a hug as well.

It's not that you don't like gifts, you love them, especially when they come from your wonderful husband and your precious children.

But then, you remember your childhood.

Every time your hands grasp something you never would've dreamed of having, your inner child beams with joy, and your heart aches.

"Growing up, my family and I struggled a lot financially." You spoke to the camera. This was a moment of vulnerability. "It was hard," You said.

"But still, I was lucky enough to always have a roof over my head and food on the table." You smiled at the camera, tears were threatening to fall.

"So looking back and remembering how I would look at things and wish that I had them and always worrying about the price and how it would affect us, because we didn't have the privilege of being able to buy whatever. We had to always think about bills, food, paying for school, all that, we couldn't just carelessly spend." You explained.

"And now, buying a louis bag doesn't even make a dent." You said with a serious face.

"It still feels weird because I never thought that I would be walking around in designer clothes and designer shoes. It feels like I'm healing. Healing myself from the constant financial worries, the constant headaches, and the constant heartaches from seeing my parents trying to make ends meet." You sighed.

"Mis papas," You felt a tear drop fall. "Ellos nunca, nunca, nos desean de los problemas financieros que teníamos."

"Siempre nos consentian con lo que podían," You smiled.

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