Capítulo 1: Mundial

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"Ha llegado el tiempo del mundial," You smiled proudly at the camera. A big grin on your face.


"Todos andamos con unos nervios," You told the camera. "Los muchachos ya están en Qatar. Yo y los niños nos vamos mañana, para llegar a tiempo para el primer juego," You explained.

"Tenemos muchos nervios, pero también estamos todos muy emocionados," You clapped your hands excitedly.

The camera then shows you and the kids, walking toward the plane. Your sister had also decided to come, and the camera then turned to show your sister taking pictures of you.

"Make sure I look good," You joked with her, which made her laugh. She handed you your phone. "Good job," You say as you look at the pictures she took.

You all got on the plane, it was a long trip to Qatar, and you were a bit worried about how the kids would act. They tend to get fussy during long trips.

As soon as you all landed, you all made your way to the hotel, absolutely exhausted. You all would rest for a bit before getting ready for the first game; Mexico vs. Poland.

Thankfully, the exhaustion was enough to let you sleep and push the anxiousness aside. When you woke up, you felt much better.

"Wake up, we have to get ready for Daddy's game," You carefully shook the kids awake. In a couple of hours, Mexico would be playing against Poland. When you saw that the kids woke up, you walked to the kitchen to quickly make some food.

"Vengan a comer algo, para que no vayamos con hambre," You said as you saw the kids walk into the kitchen as they rubbed their eyes.

They sat down on the stools by the kitchen island, watching you as you served their food on their plates. Your sister had also walked over to the kitchen, sitting down with you and the kids to quickly eat before the game.

"Are you excited?" Your sister asked the kids, who eagerly nodded their heads.

"Pero también nerviosos," Kevincito said, turning to look at his sister, who nodded her head in agreement.

"Yo también," You said. "Pero todo va a estar bien, pase lo que pase, estoy muy orgullosa," You smiled.

When the four of you finally arrived at the stadium, you all rushed to find your seats.

"Carla!" You yelled as you saw her sitting near your seats.

"Y/n!" She yelled, equally as excited. "Que bueno verte, así me distrais de los nervios," She chuckled.

"Y tu ami, siento que me cago," You said laughing. Your words making her laugh as well.

You sat next to Carla, the kids sitting between you and your sister.

Before you knew it, the game had started.

Half-time and no one had scored a goal; 0-0.

You held your hands together in front of your face, observing the ball everywhere it went. Kevin wasn't playing during this game.

Penalty shot for Lewandowski.

"Por favor Memo," You heard Carla say beside you.

You prayed for him to block that shot. "Por favor," You said.

"LA BLOQUEÓ! LA BLOQUEÓ!" You and Carla yelled, jumping up and down. You heard the stadium go crazy. You had goosebumps all over. You turned to look at the kids who were equally as excited.

The game ended 0-0.

Next game; Mexico vs. Argentina.

You weren't going to lie, this game made you extremely nervous and when you, the kids, and your sister, walked into the stadium, your nervousness got even worse.

Kevin got a free kick.

Messi scored the first goal, and that made you sink into your seat. You watched Kevin as he ran around the field. Minutes later he was substituted out and Raúl went in. You knew how excited Kevin was to play during this game and you were glad that he got to play.

And then, you feel like your heart is going to literally burst out of your chest. You watch as the players run, GOAL, GOAL, GOAL!!!!

You gasp and turn to look at the kids and at your sister with wide eyes.

Unfortunately, it was offside. You wanted to cry. You couldn't imagine how the team was feeling.

Minutes passed, it felt like an eternity. Another goal for Argentina, and your heart broke even more as full-time approached. You watched as the Mexican team looked exhausted. You were beyond proud of each and every single one of them.

We got 7 extra minutes, still Argentina 2, Mexico 0.

The next day, you and the kids went to see Kevin. He was clearly upset, but as soon as he saw you and the kids, a smile formed on his lips.

The kids ran up to Kevin to give him a hug and when they pulled away, you walked up to him.

"Hola amor," You said as you hugged him.

"Hola," He said. You could hear the tiredness in his voice.

"Estamos muy orgullosos de ti," You said against his ear before placing a kiss on his cheek.

"Gracias," He said as he hugged you tighter.

The two of you pulled away from the hug, but not before he placed a soft kiss on your lips. The four of you walked around for a bit, enjoying the breeze and the beautiful view.

The game ended, and unfortunately, Mexico lost.

Now, Mexico vs. Saudi Arabia.

Kevin wasn't a starter during this game.

Henry scored the first goal and the whole stadium erupted in cheers.

The team is doing good, the goal made you cheer loudly.

Henry got a free kick, you bit your lip nervously watching them as they got ready for the kick.

"Porfavor, porfavor," You prayed. You watched closely as Luis began to run toward the ball, making you sit on the edge of your seat.

"GOAL!!!" Luis scored the second goal from a free kick.

You clapped excitedly.

Minutes passed and Kevin was substituted in for Jorge. You clap as he walks onto the field. At 95 minutes, Saudi Arabia scores a goal and your heart sinks.

It was still a win nonetheless.

Unfortunately, Mexico didn't make it to the next stage, they were eliminated from the world cup and you were absolutely devastated. They were so close and it absolutely broke your heart. You couldn't imagine how the guys must be feeling right now. You saw their defeated faces and it made your chest ache, especially when you saw Kevin walk toward you. The kids quickly ran to console their dad. You walked towards them slowly, giving him and the kids time to be together.

When you were finally standing in front of him, you extended your arms out and he didn't hesitate for one second in embracing you into a tight hug.

"Lo hicieron muy bien amor. Estamos muy orgullosos de ustedes." You hugged him tightly as you whispered against his chest. When you pulled away you placed a soft kiss on his cheek. He smiled at you.

Your sister also walked over to Kevin to give him a hug.

You walked over to Carla and Paula, smiling sadly at them as you gave them a hug. The guys had gone to the locker room.

-interview with you-

"No se puede ganar siempre en la vida," You say. "Pero si se puede aprender." You smile sadly at the camera. "2026 va a ser nuestro año, van a ver!" You smirk at the camera.

-end credits for this episode-

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