Capítulo 6: Feliz Año!

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thank you so much for all the votes! please vote and comment, it lets me know that you all are enjoying the story! once again, thank you so much, and happy new year! also, this chapter talks about the world cup happening in the upcoming year (i know that the world cup happened this past year *2022*) but i just changed it for plot purposes! anyways, enjoy!


"Gracias a todos, por apoyarnos durante este año, y por seguir el programa!" You smiled at the camera. The sparkly black dress you had on could be seen from where you were sitting in front of the camera.

"Todo el amor que hemos recibido significa mucho para nosotros." You said, a big smile still on your face.

"Por muchos años más," You said as you held up a glass filled with champagne.


"Los muchachos y sus familias van a venir a la casa para celebrar el año nuevo," You said to the camera. "A Kevin le encanta hacer reuniones," You said, a small smile on your face.

"Pero ahora yo tengo que cocinar," You let out a huff of annoyance, before forcing yourself to smile.

The camera switches, to show you in the Kitchen, setting stuff up for the gathering later. Your kitchen was beautiful, with a lot of space and windows that let the natural light come in.

"Kevin!" You yelled as you sprinkled the spices on the meat that would be grilled later.

Kevin walked into the kitchen. He walked towards you, placing a kiss on top of your head before asking what you needed.

"Que paso?" He said. He was leaning against the kitchen counters, his arms crossed in front of him.

"Ponte a cortar los nopales," You said, pointing at a bowl that sat on the kitchen island.

He nodded his head, doing what you told him to do.

The first person to arrive was Memo. He walked in with his wife and his kids.

And then, Edson, his wife, and their kids arrived. Edson and Memo were in charge of grilling the meat, so as soon as they both arrived, they got to work in the backyard.

"Ay sodas y cervezas en el refri si quieren," You said to the guys as they arrived.

"Que me falta hacer," You stood in the kitchen. One hand on your hip while the other rubbed your chin as you were in deep thought trying to go through everything you needed to do.

"Creo que es todo," You said as you mentally checked off everything you had done.

You walked outside, seeing Edson and Memo grilling the meat, both with a beer in their hands.

Alexis and Chucky were playing with all of the kids.

Kevin was in the kitchen, washing all of the dishes you had used to cook.

Jorge was walking towards Memo and Edson to see if they needed help with anything.

You decided to walk towards the other wives, sitting down to talk about anything and everything.

All the husbands were busy, and that gave the girlies a chance to just sit back and relax and gossip of course, which was nice.

We all laughed as we watched Alexis and Chucky chase after the kids.

Gatherings with the team were always nice and they were incredibly funny and just overall fun. The team truly felt like a second family.

"Y Diego, cuando va a llegar?" You asked, noticing that Diego was late.

"Le dije que pasara por más chelas," Edson said, he had heard your question.

"Que ya no hay?" You said as you turned to look at him.

"Si hay, pero no son suficientes," Jorge answered.

"Pues cuanto van a tomar?" Your eyes widened slightly as you remembered the large amount of beer you and Kevin had bought prior to this day.

"Mucho," All the guys said at the same time, Kevin stepping outside just in time to also answer the question.

"Se pasan," You said before laughing.

They all just shrugged their shoulders.

After what felt like a while, Diego finally arrived with boxes of beer.

"Llegue," He announced as he went into the back yard.

"No mames, cuanto compraste," Your eyes widened again as you looked at all the boxes.

Diego just smiled at you before setting the boxes down so he could take out the cans and put them in the fridge and whichever ones didn't fit, he would put them in the coolers you had set by the fridge.

"No los vamos a cuidar eh," Alexis' wife said as she took a sip out of her glass.

The guys ignored her comment.

"Hijoles, Diegito, y si te pones a repartir las uvas en vasos?" You smiled at Diego as you asked him to help you.

"Esta bien," He said as he walked back into the kitchen.

"La comida ya está!" Edson yelled as he began to set down the plates with meat on them on the table.

"¡Tengo mucha hambre!" Kevincito yelled as he ran towards his seat.

Dinner consisted of talks, gossip, jokes, and laughter, lots and lots of laughter. You all talked about the world cup, and everyone's hopes and dreams regarding the world cup. It was going to be a great year, and you were very excited to see what was going to happen.

You turned to look at Kevin, who was sitting down next to you. You smiled at him, before placing your hand on top of his, softly giving his hand a squeeze.

"Te amo," You said, still smiling at him.

"Yo también te amo," He said, smiling.

The kids went back to playing, while the adults stayed sitting down, talking and laughing.

The night breeze wasn't too cold. The night sky was soon filled with colors as the neighbors had begun to set fireworks off, which were beautiful and very nice to see. 

"Ya mero," You said, rushing to the kitchen to get everyone their cups of grapes. You could see the television from the outdoor sitting area, the countdown would start soon.

"10!" You held your last grape in your hand, quickly thinking of a wish before quickly eating it.










"Feliz Año!" Everyone yelled before turning to kiss their significant other.

You and Kevin turned to each other, big smiles on each of your faces before kissing each other.

"Feliz Año, amor," Kevin said before pressing his lips against yours one more time. His arms were wrapped around your waist, while yours were wrapped around his neck.

"Feliz Año," You smiled at him.

You all then turned to hug each other and the rest of the team and their wives. Each of you hugged your own kids as well.

"Por un nuevo año lleno de éxito," Kevin said as he held his can of beer up in the air. The rest joined him in raising each of their own drinks as well.

You smiled at him as you took a sip from your drink.

-end credits for this episode-

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