The Kraang Are Back

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In New York

At Night

The turtles were still celebrating their victory while Leo was celebrating Jesse's boyfriend finally.

"And then I took my sai. And shortened that Kraangdroid's skull. Wham!" Raph said to Jamey then Cheyenne runs over to them. "Sure Raph, but I and Donnie used our own uncanny scientific knowledge To bring down an interdimensional portal." Cheyenne said to him then Donnie runs over to them. "Equally as awesome!" Donnie yelled while Leo walks behind Jesse and he puts his arms around her. "What about master Splinter? Wish I could've seen him take out the Shredder." Leo said to them then he kisses Jesse's cheek. "And let's not forget cottage cheese demon. If we didn't stuff him in that microwave, the earth would be drowned in living cheese!" Mikey said making everyone look at him. "For the 22nd time, Mikey, There was no cottage cheese demon, ever!" Raph yelled at him. "Did you see him?" Mikey asks him. "No!" Raph answers him. "Then how do you know, huh?" Mikey asks him. "What? I- That doesn't even make-" Raph said then he stops himself from talking then he sighs. "Sure, man. Cheese demon. Whatever you say." Raph told to him. "Giving up so easily." Jamey said to him making Raph look at her. "If I don't then I will never hear the end of it." Raph told to her. "We are awesome!" Tasneem yelled making everyone smile at her. The group then starts running from rooftop to rooftop. "Month-long Kraang/Shredder mega-defeat celebration rules!" Mikey yelled then Donnie stops. "So are we gonna stop by April's?" Donnie asks them making the group stop and turn to him. "We are 1.3 blocks and six- no, no- seven meters away from her apartment." Donnie said to them. "Yeah that's not weird or anything, Donnie." Cheyenne said to him.

At April's Apartment

Donnie taps on April's bedroom window. "Handsome-gram for April O'Neil!" Donnie said making Cheyenne give Donnie a look. "Ugh." Raph said while hitting his face at what his brother said. "Did you really just say that?" Cheyenne asks him making Donnie look at her. "Do you want a Handsome-gram?" Donnie asks her with a smile. "No, I am good with having the normal Donnie." Cheyenne said to him and she kisses Donnie's cheek making him go red. "And you still not his girl?" Jamey asks Cheyenne who looks at her while April opens her window. "Guys!" April said making the group look at her. "Um, great to see you!" April said to them very suspiciously. "Yeah, uh, you mind staying on the fire escape?" April asks them. "Seems like you've been avoiding us lately, April." Jesse said to her. "It's not my fault. Dad's alien abduction nightmares are getting worse. He's so freaked out, he won't let me out at night." April said to them as Kirby enters her room. "I'm sorry, April. It's just- what if the Kraang are still out there? Waiting? Lurking? I'll do anything to protect you." Kirby said to her. "Dad." April said then she sighs. "I can take care of myself now. And- and I'll be with the guys! I couldn't be more safe!" April said to him. "Trust us, Mr. O'Neil. Shredder and those little squishy brain-freaks are long gone." Mikey said to him then Kirby looks at Jesse. "Yeah, so she will be fine." Tasneem told to him while he looked down at Jesse's hands and saw blood. "Jesse, your hands are bleeding." Kirby said to her making everyone look at Jesse to see her hands were bleeding. "What?" Jesse said very confusedly while Leo walks over to her and he starts to bandage her hands. "What happened to your hands?" Leo asks her but before Jesse can answer him she falls unconscious. "Jesse." Leo calls her as he holds her in his arms. "We need to get her back home." Cheyenne said to them while Donnie looks at April and Kirby. "We will see you around." Donnie said to them while Leo picks up Jesse and the group leaves April and her dad.

At The Lair

Jesse wakes up to see Master Splinter smiling at her. "You feel okay, Jess?" Splinter asks her. "Yeah, what happened?" Jesse asks him. "I don't know myself, the group ran in with Leo holding you. They said you fall unconscious and your hands were bleeding." Splinter said to her while Jesse stands up starting to feel dizzy making Splinter hold her up. "Don't push yourself." Splinter said to her. "Okay." Jesse said to him and she leaves the Dojo while leaning on the wall. Jesse enters the living room to see Mikey and Tasneem have the orb. "Jess." Jesse hears Leo making her turn as Leo hugs her. "You scared me." Leo said to her and he looks at Jesse who gives Leo a kiss on the cheek. "I'm sorry." Jesse said to him then she looks at Tasneem and Mikey. "What are Mikey and Tasneem doing with the communication orb?" Jesse asks him while Leo holds onto her. "We are going to play some dodgeball." Leo said to her while he takes Jesse into the living room. "Cool, I will watch you guys." Jesse said to him as she sits down. "Are you sure? I really think you need to sleep." Leo said to her making Jesse look at him. "I'll be fine." Jesse said to him then she grabs onto Leo's hand then pulled him down and kisses Leo's cheek. "Ah! Ninja dodge ball!" Mikey yelled as he throws the orb at Tasneem who catches it. "Whoo!" Tasneem yelled as she throws it to Leo who kicks to Mikey. "Missed me again, Leo! Ha!" Mikey yells as he kicks it to Jamey who dodges it and Raph grabs it. "Eat this! Hyah!" Raph yelled and he throws at them making everyone dodge it. "Stick it in your shell!" Raph yelled at them while Jesse moves out of the way of the orb.

Half Shelled Heroes Book 2/ TMNT 2012Where stories live. Discover now