3) The perfect plan

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-South Park Elementary 8.59AM-

It was daytime, the clock striked 9AM all fourth grade students were in class waiting for their teacher to show up. We're focusing on two boys, one in a large orange parka and another one who's... fat.

"Kenny, i bet you 1 dollar that you cant jump from my desk to Kyles without falling"

the fat kid said

The other kid "Kenny" responded but it was muffled because of his parka

Kenny got up on the fat kids desk and yelled something like "everybody watch this!" But it was too muffled to be sure

The whole class surprisingly quiets down and looks at him

Next thing you know Kenny tries to jump over to the other desk but fails and falls he lands in a weird position, almost like he-

"Oh my god! They killed kenny!"

A boy with a blue and red hat yelled

"You bastards!"

Another boy wearing a green ushanka responded

Mr garrinson walks into the classroom

"Sorry I'm late children, i had to help some crying kindergartner because she went into the wrong classroom, now sit down everyone"

-Time skip recess-

The fat kid "Cartman" from earlier was standing over at the swing set with four other people.

"Okay now that we're all here, except for Craig because he got detention.. again, I just want to say I have the best plan ever"

Cartman whispered to the other kids

"Yeah let's hope it's great fatty. Last time your "awesome plan" totally sucked"

The boy from earlier who wore a green ushanka responded

"Kyle, stop being pissed off for once, everyone meet me at coon lair after school"

Cartman said

"Cartman, I can't come"

One of the kids said

"What do you mean you can't come Scott, we all have to be there"

Cartman responded

"I just can't be there dammit, my parents said I had to stay home today"

Scott explained, he then left the others at the swing set and went inside of the school

"Fine, I hope I can count on you guys Jimmy and Clyde"

Cartman said looking over at the two boys

"Y-yes of course I'm not b-bus-busy"

Jimmy said

"I made plans with a raisins girl though.."

Clyde told Cartman

"Goddammit Clyde you don't have time for that! You have to get Craig out of detention we also need him at the meeting"

Cartman whisper yelled

"Fine.. Mosquito will be there"

-Time skip Coon lair-

The coon is sitting at the end of the long table at his base waiting for his teammates, he's flipping through some pieces of paper laying on said table.

Footsteps, the coon looked up.
The first one to show up was ironically Captain Diabetes (Scott) he looked like he'd just seen a ghost.

"Captain diabetes what are you doing here?
I thought you said you had to at stay home"

The coon said while giving the boy a confused look

"You won't believe this coon, the superheros that left Coon and friends already have a new franchise!"

Captain diabetes ranted and before the coon could answer he continued the rant

"They call it the freedom pals!"

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