12) Captured

55 1 0

Tweek Bros. 12:25 PM

We follow a boy walking down the street, its cloudy out but surprisingly not super cold, the wind was rather mild but the boy still had his warm clothes on. A blue chullo and an almost matching blue jacket. He's walking in a fast pace almost running, but then again not really. After 2 minutes of this he slows down and stands in front of the local coffee shop. The boy walks in, theres only a few customers.

"Hey there Craig, last time i checked Tweek was just out in the back."
A woman behind the counter greeted him

Craig didn't bother to answer and just walked along the counter to end up in front of a door.

"Staff Only"

The sign was almost a joke to him, apparently Tweek was considered staff even though he wasn't paid and it was his parents business.

Craig opened the door.

The room was dark, and filled with a lot of boxes, he stepped inside and the door closed behind him.


No answer

"I guess I'll just go again then"

Craig turned around and grabbed the door handle, it was locked.

"Hello Super Craig"

An unfamiliar voice said.

Craig turned around

"If i were you I would stay still"

Craig stopped.

"Who are you?"
Craig asked

"Im going to replace you."

The light switched on, a boy probably the same age as Craig stood before him.

"You don't even look like me dude"

(Craigs mind) i guess he does kind of look like me, but all my friends would definitely be able to tell the difference.

"You'll never see your friends again Craig"
The boy said

(Craigs mind) why am i even listening to this kid, i don't know him, and he's weird as hell.

"I am Greg Trucker from North Park"
The boy said

"And I don't give a fuck"

Craig looked over at an open window, it was big enough for him to escape through, he started walking.

"Hey! I said don't move!"
The kid said


Craig looked at Greg and kept moving towards the open window.

"If you don't stop your hamster is gonna get it"

Greg pulled a small animal out of his pocket

"What the fuck, did you steal my guinea pig?"

Craig stopped

"Im gonna kill you dude"

Those words came out Craigs mouth while he stormed towards Greg, but just as he reached the boy a small arrow pierced his arm and injected some kind of liquid into his blood. Craig felt lightheaded almost like he was floating then everything went black.

White noise, a fat hand, chaos, and then a big explosion followed by a ringing then the world started coming back. Craig opened his eyes, he felt kind of nauseous but it wasn't bad.

He was in a room it was dark and the only light source was a small rectangular window. Craig looked around, he saw a door, locked. And then, was that another person?

Craig looked around for some kind of weapon, but the room was empty and they had taken his jacket were he stored the pocket knife he got from his grandma.

The only choice was the way of the fist, which wasn't half bad considering that Craig had been in a couple of fights before.

He slowly moved towards the person, and just as he was one meter away it moved.

"Oh, hiya Craig!"

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