7) The Phone pt. 2

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-Freedom Pals Base-

The two teams lined up facing each other. All the heros prepped to fight.

(Fighting system explained kinda, team 1 ☝️(Coon&Friends) attack first with one hero and then team 2 ✌️ (Freedom pals) attack. So long story short they take turns.

The first team to attack was Coon and Friends
The human kites turn: "Feel the wrath of human kite!" The human kite used his laser eyes and targeted the opponent hero toolshed, toolshed fell to the ground but quickly got up again. "Your going to regret that human kite, laser drills!" Toolshed's laser drills hit human kite directly who cursed.
"It's my turn" the coon faced directly towards the others and started using his ultimate. Both opponents lost 100 HP.

While all of this happened, Super Craig had walked behind the fight and stolen the phone.
No one seemed to be noticing anything so he causally sneaked up the stairs, and out of the base.

-time skip, fight is almost over-

"I cant go on much longer.. just give us the phone" the coon said while catching his breath

"No way, just give up"
Wonder Tweek said

"We don't give up, right guys?"
The human kite said
"Uh.. where's Super Craig?"

Wonder Tweek yelled
"That FUCKING jerk!"

"Guys, you can't just steal something while fighting that's super weak."
Toolshed said

"We didn't steal the phone, super craig did"
The coon stated

"Just shut the fuck up coon, you probably noticed what he was doing!"
Wonder tweek said

"Wonder Tweek, we would've said something if we noticed, we were too busy fighting"
The human kite said

"Well.. we better get going, I'm kinda hungry"
The coon said

"Yeah let's just leave."
The human kite responded

"You guys, this fight isn't over!"
Toolshed yelled

Human kite and The coon were already walking up the stairs
"We're continuing this later"
Toolshed said

With that the door slammed shut and the freedom pals were left alone with no phone and no plan.. yet.

The coon and Human kite left freedom pals base, and went home to their own houses.
At least they had all the information they needed..

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