11) gNOmes?

41 1 0

-Cartman/The coons room 1AM-

Four boys are sitting in a room all looking like they haven't slept in weeks, they were all in their own world zoning out until someone broke the silence.

"Bzzzt I think the caffeine is laying off I can feel my hands again"
The mosquito said

"Shit, I think your right and we still have to wait for two more hours."
The coon cursed

"Maybe we could watch a horror movie or something to stay awake?"
The human kite suggested

"We could also play video games bzzzt"
The mosquito said

A loud alarm sounded interrupting the conversation, it was coming from Dr Timothy's phone.

"What the hell is that"

Super Craig picked the phone up and the other boys formed a circle around the device.

"Ow my ears, my raccoon senses are overloading turn that shit off!"
The coon yelled

Suddenly the phone stopped and lit up. It started playing an audio recording.

"December.. 17.. m..day, if you ...-CRASH- this, we are successfully.. future.. names.. are-"
The audio recording ended

"What the fuck"
Super Craig said

The coon ripped the phone out of super Craig's hand and held it up to his ear.

"The audio was all crappy I think its Kenny playing tricks on us."
The coon complained while examining the phone.

"How the fuck would Kenny be able to hack Dr. Timothys phone?"
The human kite asked

"Bzzzzt maybe it's just the freedom pals trying to get us to believe that they can time travel."
The mosquito suggested

"Yeah they probably knew that we were going to steal the phone."
The human kite said

"Goddammit! Now this phone is useless."
The coon yelled he threw the phone on the floor.

Two small figures appeared from the wall panel

"Uh.. guys?"
Super craig said

"Bzzzt the phone sucks but you don't have to throw it on the floor dude"
The mosquito said picking said phone up

"The audio didn't even sound good, who do you guys think recorded it."
The human kite said

The weird human-like creatures started to collect socks, but only one of each so there would be no pairs left.

Super Craig tried again

"Bzzzt I don't know you cant really hear who's voice it is, maybe it was recorded on a walkie-talkie or something"
The mosquito said

"guys the gnomes!"
Super craig yelled finally getting the other boys attention.

The gnomes quickly crawled back into the wall, disappearing before any of the others could turn around to see them.

"I don't see anything
The Human Kite said

"Me neither, Super Craig you probably just drank too much of that shitty coffee."
The coon stated

"They were literally right here, they stole your socks Cartman."
Super Craig said

"Im the coon, and you're probably just lying Super Craig my socks have always looked like that."
The coon said

"Okay what the fuck, you believe me right Clyde?"
Super Craig looked at the mosquito

"Bzzzt.. I don't know man, I didn't see anything either so the coon is probably right you just drank too much coffee."

The mosquito looked down, he normally took Craig's side in arguments but he didn't want people to think he was crazy.

"Craig maybe you should just go home, a good nights sleep will probably help."
The human kite suggested

"Guys I swear I'm not going crazy, I saw the gnomes. You guys were just too busy complaining over that stupid phone."
Super Craig said

Super Craig walked out of the room, the remaining three looked at each other they could hear the boy walking down the stairs and slamming the front door.

"Do you guys think he actually bzzzt saw the gnomes?"
The mosquito asked

"Nah he was probably just hallucinating or something."
The coon said

"Yeah, maybe there's something in the coffee, that would explain why Tweek is so crazy."
The human kite said

Super Craig's POV:

I knew what I saw, maybe I should contact Tweek I mean he's seen the gnomes before so I know he would believe me plus his dad wanted me to talk to him.

I picked up my phone, one notification.

(Unknown Number)
[1.28AM oct. 12] December 17.

What the fuck, why would someone send me a random date, it's not even the 17th of December yet. We were only in October.
It was probably just spam so I chose to ignore the number.

(T) [2.35PM sep. 16] if yuu wint guve me stripe yiur not getthbg your stupid laptop
(C) [2.37PM sep. 16] fine at least stripe isn't annoying.

Shit, maybe I shouldn't text him.

Fuck it, I'm not a wuss.

(C) [3.37AM oct. 12] I saw the gnomes.

I put my phone down and walked out of my room to brush my teeth, when I came back I had a new notification.

(T) [3.41AM oct. 12] Tweek Bros. Tommorow 12.30PM.

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