13) Fucked

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-Stans house- 01:14 AM

Stan is sitting at his desk he cant sleep, he's building a model of a ford mustang 67, suddenly his phone rings. Stan puts the unfinished model down. And picks up the phone, he answers.

the person on the line yells

Stan says surprised, scott and him never really talk.

"Stan I know this sounds weird but im really glad you picked up i think someone is following me"
Scott rambles

"Who's following you?"
Stan asked confused

"Okayokay this is weird right but i think its butters?"

"Butters? Scott its like 1AM why would butters be following you around, its past curfew and why are you calling me??"


We hear a lot of commission from Scott's line


Scott drops the phone but it doesn't hang up, you can hear someone trying to scream and then a weird sound the sound of someone not being able to breathe kind of like gurgling Stan got a terrible picture in his head, the noise wouldn't stop. He hung up in terror.

Did he just hear someone die, and not just someone it was Scott Malkinson, Stan had done multiple school projects with that guy, he had seen him at school, they sat in the same room almost every business day and they were both playing the same game of superheros.

Stan wouldn't exactly call Scott Malkinson his friend, but hearing him dying, someone you've seen in real life, someone you had at least shared some experiences with even though it was just borrowing a pencil in class it was messed up, and butters being a murderer, stan couldn't really understand it, like he knew what had happened but he still couldn't make it fit in his reality.

If anyone Butters Stotch would probably have been Scott Malkinsons best friend in the whole 4th grade, and as of Stans knowing Butters didn't hate anyone, well maybe Cartman but who doesn't hate Cartman and he definitely wouldn't kill him because of that.

It was fucked up beyond all recognition.

Random street (South Park)
01:27 AM

A street light is shining on Scott Malkinsons dead body laying on the sidewalk, he was stabbed in the throat and his airways got blocked by his own blood, his face is frozen in terror but his eyes are dead. There are no signs of the weapon or the murderer.

-Unknown Basement- 13:26 PM

Now you might recall the other chapter ending quite unfinished, how annoying I hate cliffhangers especially when the writer takes months making a new chapter, it makes me not want to read the book, why start reading something thats unfinished? well now i won't keep you waiting anymore, lets start where it all ended.

(Craigs POV)

"Oh, hiya Craig!"


"Well, yeah thats me"

My eyes finally got used to the dark room and I could see his face better, he looked thinner but not like deadly skinny, whoever put us here are probably rationing the food.

"what are you doing here?"
I ask

"Well uh, since you're here you probably know what happened"
Butters said

Idiot question

"how long have you been here"
I asked

That seems like a better question

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