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"Cor, have you seen Shawn?" I ask as I walk up to Cory. "No, I haven't heard from him." He says in a whisper as he closes his locker, "I knew this would happen. I feel so bad, his dad left him; again." I sigh and roll my eyes as I lean up against our lockers.

Just then Shawn walks in, "Hey Cor, Hi sweetheart." He says and gently pushes past me to get to his locker, "Shawn Patrick Hunter, you can't just come here and act like nothing happened last night! Where were you?" I cross my arms and look him in the eyes, he scoffs, "I'm fine, seriously." He taps my chin and kisses me gently.

"Dude, I haven't heard from you since you left school with your dad, where were you?" Cory hits his shoulder, "Chill, I crashed at Turner's." I look up at him, "Shawn you know you were suppose to call me before bed! We've done that every single night since we were 9!" I say with tears in my eyes as I walk away.

Shawn has a lot of family issues, he also gets into mischief often especially after his dad does this whole stopping by for a few hours, getting his hopes up and leaving. This time, it's worse, his mom left too.

"Cassidy." I hear Shawn call me, "Cass!" He gently picks me up and sits me on the railing, "What Shawny." "I'm sorry okay? You kn-" I put my finger to his lips, "Shawny, I know. It's okay, I just worry about you." I caress his cheek as we look each other in the eyes.

He nods and I wipe his single tear before it falls, "Let's get to class." I say softly before kissing him gently and sliding off the railing. "I'll meet you there." Shawn says to me, "Shawny, come on please." I turn back towards him and notice him looking at Mr. Turner, I sigh, "Okay, I'll see you in class." I kiss his cheek before I walk to Mr. Feeny's class.

"So how'd that go?" Cory asks me as I walk by him to go to my seat next to Shawn, "He's having a rough time, he won't admit it though. He's out there talking to Turner."

The school day goes by slow, Shawn has been a little distracted but I can't blame him, his whole world just got flipped upside down, my poor baby.

After school, Shawn and I go to Cory's. "Hi Mr and Mrs. Matthews." I greet them as I walk upstairs, "Hi Cassie." They say in unison then quickly continue their conversation.

I lay in Cory's bed, Shawn sits next to me, Cory sits in his chair and they begin tossing a yellow ball back and forth.

"So where you staying tonight?" Cory asks, I look up at Shawn, "Uh, the motel is fine. At least until my dad gets back." I sit up a little, "Shawny, just come to my house." I plead, "No, your parents would kill both of us and besides, I can skateboard in the pool and watch cable." Shawn says as he tosses the ball back to Cor. "We got cable. You can't just live in a motel!" Cory says then walks over to his bed to sit next to Shawn.

"Why not? At least you know it won't drive away." Shawn says, I can tell he's really upset, I rub his back gently and discreetly, he loves when I give him back rubs. "You could've crashed here last night." "I know, I was fine." "I know you're fine Shawn." Cory argues, "I'm just saying. Just remember I'm your friend."

Shawn nods, "I know, it's okay Cor. You don't have to worry about me." "But Shawny, I do." I but in, "I want you to stay with Cory, please, at least I'll know you're safe." I frown. "Please, honey." Just as Shawn goes to open his mouth we hear his dad, Chet, call his name. "See, my dad's back and everything is great." Shawn says as all three of us jump up and go downstairs.

"Dad! Did you find mom?" Shawn asks with lots of hope in his tone, I stand back with Cory on the stairs, "I did," Chet starts, "but, she slipped away again. Which is why I'm here." Shawn scoffs, "I thought I was why you're here?" Chet laughs, "You are!" He pulls him into an awkward side hug, "You little slim jim! This is all about you. Shawn, look uh, this is hard to say I ain't always been the perfect father-," "Dad, it's okay." Shawn cuts him off, I'm getting tense I know Shawn is upset.

He goes through so much he doesn't tell anyone but me, not even Cory.

"Adam! I consider you a friend." Chet turns to Mr. Matthews, "It's Alan." Mr. Matthews corrects, "Whoever, I respect you. You're the heartbeat of America. People can count on you, you got roots! I like that." Chet preaches, "Where is this heading?" Alan asks worrisome, Chet sighs, "I need a favor, my wife, she's-she's out there; my heart's out there with her, not to mention my wallet and major credit card. But, she is my wife and go after her I must."

"The favor?" Mrs. Matthews asks softly, "Take care of my boy. You don't have to answer right now! Well, yes you do." Chet laughs, "Stay here? That'll be great!" Cory says and walks over to Shawn.

"Dad, why can't I just come with you." Shawn asks softly, I walk over to him and hold his hand, "Road's no place for a boy. Besides, you have this lovely lady to keep up with. You don't want to have to go chase her too right son? Your place is here, in school with teach over there." He nods over at Mr. Turner in the corner. "In this house, in the company of these fine people." Chet smiles at the Matthews.

"Chet, shouldn't you be asking Shawn what he thinks?" Mr. Turner asks "Whatever, it's fine with me." Shawn says, "We're only talking a few days, couple weeks tops. I'll call in every night." He says to Shawn then turns to the Matthews, "So what's the verdict your honor? Mrs. Honor?"

"We'd be happy to have you stay, Shawn." Mrs. Matthews says "Alright! If my boy can't be with his father I'm glad he can be with a good father." Chet chuckles and pats Mr. Matthews' back. "Alright Shawn let's go get you a new tooth brush and a new shirt." Chet says, "Cheryl, you coming with us?" "It's Cassidy, dad and yes, she's coming." Shawn looks at me, "Of course." I reassure him.

I hold Shawn's hand the rest of the day, he knows I'll always be there for him. I love him. He's having a hard time but he's doing a great job pretending to be okay.

Chet drops us off at the Matthews and quickly drives off. Shawn is headed towards the door, "Shawny, honey, can we talk before we go in?" He turns to me, "About what?" He fixes his hair, "Come." I hold out my hand, he grabs it and we start walking.

"Shawny, how are you feeling about all of this?" "It happens all the time, I'm fine no biggie." He brushes it off, "Shawn, I can see it in your eyes how hurt you are. Shawny don't brush it off to me, you know you can always talk to me, whatever we talk about stays with us. I know you better than everyone else, I've loved you since we were 9 years old. Come on don't lie to me honey, please. I'm worried." I'm a hypocrite, I always lie to him about how hurt or sad I am but he shouldn't have to worry for me, I only need to worry for him he has enough to deal with I'm not dumping my problems onto him too.

"Babe, I- I don't know. I'm numb to it because it's happened so much. I'm just really grateful I have you and Cory, especially you." He says as he holds my face, "You've always been by my side and I'm sorry for shutting you out the last couple days, I love you Cass." He kisses my forehead then my lips gently, "I love you too Shawny. Let's go back to Cory's."

I stay over at Cory's until Shawn has settled a little, I say my goodbyes and head home.

I get home really late, I hope my parents didn't realize or else I'm toast. "Cassidy Lynn, where have you been?" My father shouts, I sigh quietly before responding, "I was at the Matthews, Shawn just moved in temporarily. I was helping him settle." I regret saying that last sentence knowing what would be said next.

"How did you help him settle?" My dad basically growls at me, "Dad, I just helped move his belongings into Cory's room. That's it!" I defend myself. Yes, Shawn and I have done stuff before but my dad doesn't know that, I hope he never finds out or I'm dead, literally dead.

"Yeah okay, you're just like you're mother. I don't doubt how much of a slut you truly are." My dad pushes me towards the stairs almost making me fall. "I'm calling Alan, to make sure your fast self was really there and supervised." My mom comes out of no where acting different because my dad is mad, she always does what he wants her to do. "Of course you have Alan's number." My dad starts on my mom, I use this distraction as my cue to go and hurry up to my room, quietly shutting the door.

I lay in my dark room on my bed, listen to the arguing between my mother and father.

My mom is scared of him so she does anything to appease him but it's never enough. Nothing is ever enough.


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