Love Hurts

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Every time I move my body aches more and more. I slowly reach over to grab the, barely cold ice pack and place it on my arms. My dad did a number on me, I'm so relieved Shawn is gone until Monday. My face burns with each facial expression and yawn but I have no more tired left in me to sleep, I've slept for almost two days straight besides waking up to drink a swig of water here and there trying my best not to ache my body more.

I hear a soft knock on my door, "Cassidy, your father and I need a word with you." I hear my mom's voice, "Are you still going to talk to that Hunter boy?" I hear my dad call from the hallway, "Yes." "What?" My dad comes into my room, his face full of rage, "I love him, I don't care what you do to me or say I love him." I say choking back my tears. My dad grabs me by my wrist and pulls me out of bed, my body aches, "You what?" My dad snarls in my face, "I love him." I say as my tears flow

My dad doesn't like that, he hides me; this hiding hurts more than the one before as he's hitting over bruises and reopening wounds. My ears are ringing but I hear my mother defending me, 'Leave her alone!' I hear her faintly say and my dad stops, "Why?" He yells at her, he then takes her out of my room and I hear them begin to argue.

I struggle to stand up but I manage to lift myself off the floor and crawl into bed. I hope I'm healed by Monday.


Sunday comes around and my body finally stopped aching and bruising is minimal and strictly on my back and shoulders, great timing! I finally get to see Shawn tomorrow, I'm so excited I've never been away from him this long.

As I'm putting new sheets on my bed I hear my window open, I quickly turn my head and see Shawn, I gasp and a huge smile plasters across my face as I run over to him, jumping onto him for a hug. "I've missed you Shawny!" "I've missed you too, babe." He says before kissing me all over my face and sitting us down on my half made bed.

He rubs my hips as he admires me, "Cass, I just want to say how thankful I am for you." I furrow my eyebrows, "Shawny, what's wrong? You look so sad honey." I hold his face, "My dad left me here to go look for my mom, he left me and I don't know when he'll be back or if he will." A few of his tears fall against my hands, "I'm so sorry honey." I hug him and rub the back of his head, "Where will you stay?" I ask, "Motel, they have cable and a pool." He says trying to sound positive, "You can stay here Shawny, don't stay a motel all alone." I offer as I move his hair out of his face, "Come stay with me, we'll be all alone." He looks between my eyes and lips, biting his lip softly, "Shawny it's not safe for you there please stay here or at Cory's! The offer of us two being alone sounds great but I don't want you there Shawn." I lecture, he gently moves me off his lap, "I didn't come here to be lectured okay?" He stands up and almost yells at me, "I'm sorry Shawny I just want you safe." I say softly, "I can handle myself." He says before leaving through the window.

I lay back in my bed and sigh, this is going to be a long night.


I toss and turn all night, I have no way to contact him and he didn't even try to call. I hope he's okay, my anxiety makes me sick. I get up and throw Shawn's jacket over my pajamas and sneak out to Cory's.

I knock on his window, Eric answers, "Hey Cass, what's up?" "Is Shawn here?" I ask, "No, I've been studying for the SATs so I'm not really sure either." He says and I roll my eyes, "Move." I push past him and he slightly helps me in, Cory comes out of the bathroom in just a towel, "Jeez Cass!" Cory says covering himself with another towel. "Is Shawn here?" I ask not caring about what Cory is wearing, "No, he doesn't come back until tomorrow." Cory says, "No, he's back. He came to my house earlier today and left because he thought I was lecturing him." I groan and leave Cory's room going to the motel.

I finally get there, out of breath and exhausted, "Hi, how can I help you young lady?" The front desk man asks me, "Is there a Shawn Hunter here?" I ask, breathily, "I can't tell you about our customers." He says while rubbing his fingers together, I groan and slap a $10 on the counter, "He left about an hour and a half ago and hasn't came back." He blurts out, I glare at him and storm off, if Shawn isn't already dead I'm going to kill him myself!

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