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My parents went on a Hawai'i business trip and since they knew Shawn wasn't in town, they made me stay home. Since Shawn wasn't in town I didn't want to stay home. My dad is so nice on trips because he has to be, instead I've spent fifty eight days in solitary, I should've bought a puppy.

Just as I go to walk upstairs with my cup of water, there's a knock at my door. I furrow my eyebrows and hesitantly reach for the knob, opening the door. I gasp and put my cup down once I see who it is, "Shawny!" I scream and jump on him, "You're back early!" I exclaim, "I've missed you so much." Shawn says as he rubs my back. "You look good." I compliment as I rub my fingers through his hair, "I love this length on you." I say, admiring him, "And this yellow looks great on you." I say, kissing him again. "Your parents aren't home?" He asks, still holding me, "They went to Hawai'i the day after you left." "You didn't go?" "I wasn't invited." I roll my eyes and slide off his waist, "Come in." I say, leading him inside. "You should've told me I would've had my dad come get you." Shawn says, "Shawny, it's fine. You needed bonding time with your dad." I smile and caress his cheek. "So, you're home alone for..." "One more day." I answer, "So we have time..." "Anywhere your little heart desires." I smirk and tug him by his belt.


"Never leave for two months again." I say, out of breath. Only response I get is Shawn's light snoring. That was the roughest and longest time we've ever done anything, my body aches in places I never knew they could ache and my stomach is in knots. He isn't ever allowed to leave again.

"Topanga, are you and Cory going to kiss?" Morgan asks as she descends the stairs, "Morgan, I think that's very personal." Topanga chuckles, "Come on, between us girls. Shawn, cover your ears." She demands and he does, "Right on the lips!" Topanga exclaims, "Topanga he's not going to have time for you. The man's been gone for two months. We have so much to catch up on he's not even going to know you exist." Shawn says with much confidence. "Shawny," I chuckle just when Cory walks downstairs, "Shawn!" He exclaims with his arms wide, "Cory!" Shawn copies, "Hey Cass." Cory says before quickly running to Topanga to give her a big kiss. "He finally grew up and doesn't want to be your boyfriend anymore." I tease Shawn as he stands there dumbfounded. "I was here first." Shawn whines, "All I got was a 'hey Cass'." I snicker. "This is ridiculous." Shawn huffs, "Oh come on, lover boy. Let's leave them be." I say, dragging Shawn out of the Matthews' house and back to mine. "Last few hours together before my parents get home and we have school tomorrow, let's make it worth it." I say. "Don't have to tell me twice." Shawn murmurs–do I have to tell you the rest?


"First day of Junior year, come on Shawny get up." I say, kissing him all over his face. "Good morning to you too." He says, wrapping his arms around me and giving me a kiss. "You're driving, I don't want to." I say, wiggling from his grip. "You're trusting me to drive your car?" Shawn chuckles, "You've been driving since you were nine, Shawn." I say as I grab my clothes, "Yeah, you're right." Shawn shrugs and stands up. "I'll make us breakfast." He says, kissing my cheek then going downstairs.

I make my way over to the bathroom as I collect all the things I'll need to get ready; (photo).

After I'm all dressed and my hair is freshly blown out I head downstairs to check on Shawn, "Wow." Shawn says, "What?" I blush nervously. "You are so gorgeous." Shawn says in awe. "


"You're so pretty." Shawn says as he looks at me through our locker mirror, I smile and turn to face him, "Thank you, handsome." I say then kiss him softly. "Okay, okay! I get it, everyone is beautiful and I'm a muck." Cory whines. "What are you talking about?" I ask, "It's just that between you, Eric, Topanga and Shawn I feel like I'm surrounded by people with perfect hair." Cory complains. "You have good hair, you just don't take care of it. You need different kinds of shampoo and conditioner than everyone else because you have tight curls." I explain and he looks at me confused, "The answer can't be that simple." He waves me off and I roll my eyes. "What are you guys talking about?" Topanga comes around the corner and links her arm with Cory's, "Nothing. I'm just feeling a little insecure today but I'm sure it'll pass." Cory says and Topanga pulls him aside. All of a sudden I see Topanga chopping off her hair. My eyes widen and jaw drops, Shawn laughs beside me and just as he's about to close our locker Topanag stops in front of it, staring at her uneven choppy hair. "Pang, we can fix this." I say just before she lets out a blood curdling scream and runs off.

"Itty, can you give me a ride to the beauty parlor after school?" Topanga asks me as I walk into the bathroom and gently grab her now uneven hair, "Oh you poor thing." I say and she gently pushes my arm, "Take me or not?" She chuckles, "Yeah, I will." I smile, "Man coming in! Man coming in!" Cory announces as he opens the bathroom, "Nobody cares if there's a boy in here." I chuckle and just then Shawn strolls in, "Hi gorgeous." Shawn says to me before giving me a small kiss on the cheek. "How often does he come in here?" Cory asks, mind boggled. "Enough." Shawn chuckles.

Shawn and I used to come in here every fourth period last year and makeout on the couch in the corner, it's where most of us girls come to make out with our boyfriends during school.

"Mind if Shawn comes?" I ask Topanga "That will just lead to Cory tagging along." "Where are we tagging along?" Cory asks "Double date to the salon." I joke, "See you later, Itty." she chuckles "Bye T." I say then Shawn wraps his arm around my shoulder, "Cory is going to flip out." Shawn says, "Yup!" I exclaim. "Flip out about what?" Cory asks, following Shawn and I out of the bathroom. "Oh nothing." I sing as we walk to class.


"I don't know man, she's been in there an awful long time." Shawn says, "What are you getting so crazy about?" Cory asks as he is reading a magazine, "Hair cuts only take twenty minutes, it's been an hour." I chuckle, "So?" "She's getting more than a haircut." I explain, "All our lives we've known Topanga, she doesn't wear makeup, she's never been to a beauty parlor, she's completely natural." Shawn rambles, "Again, so?" Cory chuckles, "She's naturally beautiful now she's getting professional help." Shawn says and I'm slightly hurt, I don't know why it hurt, Topanga is my best friend and she is beautiful but hearing Shawn say it punched me in the gut. "Oh no, she's gonna dump me and never speak to me again." Cory panics, "No she won't Cor, she loves you." I reassure him.

Just then Topanga comes out, she has a beautiful blow-out with subtle makeup, "Pang you look hot!" I compliment and she blushes, "Yeah she does." Shawn mutters and I slap his arm, "Hey." I say, slightly bothered. "Sorry." He holds my face, "I love you." He says, gazing into my eyes, "Whatever." I roll my eyes and move his hands off my face.

"Itty, let's go." Topanga says, grabbing my hand, "Where are you two going?" Cory asks, "The mall, this outfit with this hair? Hello bye-bye I'm so at the mall." Topanga flips her hair and walks outside, I follow close behind. "Do you think Shawn meant what he said?" I ask as I drive us to the mall, "I mean, you're gorgeous yes but he isn't supposed to say that out loud right?" I ask Topanaga as she admires herself in the visor mirror. "No, totally shouldn't say that outloud but, I'm your best friend and I'd never do that to you. Just like if Cory said those things about you, I know you'd never violate our friendship like that so I wouldn't mind." She explains sweetly.

But I do mind. 


"Hey, I haven't heard from you since you left the beauty parlor, everything okay?" Shawn asks as he climbs into my window. "Yeah, fine." I say, not taking my eyes off my homework. "Cass," He says, softly, crouching on the side of my chair, looking up at me. "Shawn, I didn't like how you treated Topanga after you saw her new hair." I admit, "You never react that way towards me." "Cass, every day I see you my heart skips a beat and I can barely find the word hi. You are the most beautiful, gorgeous, precious girl I've ever met. Topanga just looked pretty and I complimented her, as a friend." He explains and I turn back to my homework. "That's how you treat a friend?" I ask, scribbling down my math answers. "Cass, I'm sorry I didn't know and I didn't think of your feelings and I'm sorry. It won't ever happen again." He says and I can feel his eyes still looking at me. "Okay." I huff. "If I ever do anything to hurt your feelings again please tell me right away. I never want to hurt your feelings or make you sad." Shawn pleads and I turn to him, "Thank you, Shawny." I say softly and he hugs my waist, looking up at me, "I love you and only you forever." He says, "I love you too, Shawn." I smile and he stands up, holding my face softly as he kisses me. "Pick you up for school tomorrow." I say as he holds my face, tilting my chin to look up at him. "But I'm driving us to school." He waves his other finger at me and gently squeezes my cheeks–my huge smile opens up his fingers from their squeeze, "Of course." "See you tomorrow my love." He says, leaning down to kiss me once more. "I love you." We say in sync as he climbs out of my window.

I really do love Shawn Patrick Hunter with all of my being. 

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