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"Why is every staring at me?" I mumble to Shawn as I sit next to him and Cory at lunch. "I don't know." Shawn says, "Want me to say something?" He adds, I shake my head, "No, don't worry about it Shawny."

"Hey, Cassidy," some preppy girl Mandy comes up to me with her friend, Jill, "Can we talk to you over by the vending machine?" She asks, "Uh- sure." I furrow my eyebrows and walk with them to the vending machine. "What's going on?" I ask the both of them, "So you're really dating Shawn Hunter?" Jill blurts out, I nod, "Yeah, I have been since we were 10, you're a little late to the game here." I scoff, "But aren't you like, rich? Why would you be with anyone like Shawn?" Mandy asks, "What do you mean?" I feel rage boil up inside of me, "Oh come on! Cass, your dad is like super rich, every guy loves you but you're with Shawn Hunter? Do you know where he lives? What his parents do?" Jill makes fun of him, "I do happen to know all of that, Jill and I love him anyway so what I suggest you do is stop talking about Shawn and I and get a grip!" I basically yell and the whole cafeteria is silent, "That goes for all of you, leave Shawn alone!" I then storm out of the cafeteria.

"Cass, what happened?" Shawn chases after me, "Everyone is so judgmental of you, you're such a good boy and nobody seems to care because they just see the little petty things that don't matter that don't change anything about you." I rant. Shawn sighs, "It's my fault, I don't know what I was thinking, trying to get with you. Everyone is going to talk for the rest of our lives because I, Shawn Hunter, trailer park kid have Cassidy Young, daughter of the most successful man in South Philadelphia. I'm sorry Cass. Maybe we should break up, so you don't have to deal with this anymore." Shawn looks so hurt.

"Shawny, no, I love you. I don't care what anyone says. Who cares where you live, who cares what your parents do? That doesn't define you Shawn, you are the most handsome, super talented, most loving guy I have ever met." I wipe his fallen tear, "I hate when people think of you as such a bad guy because I know the real Shawn Hunter and he's nothing like that." I comfort him, "I like when you say my name." He smiles, I smile back, "And I like saying it, Shawn Hunter." He then pulls me into a big tight hug, "Let's go back to lunch and let's eat, it's pizza today, it's your favorite." I say to him and we walk back into the cafeteria, side hugging each other.

Everyone is staring but this time I don't care, I'm proud to be with Shawn, I'm never going to leave him, he's my home.

Both Cory and Shawn walk me home today, they're going to Cory's to work on our project in Turner's class, "See you tomorrow?" I ask Shawn, "I actually can't tomorrow, I have to help my dad real early in the morning. I'll see you in school though, okay?" Shawn says to me, I nod and he kisses my forehead, "I love you, call me later." "I love you too, Shawny."

I get in my house to see my dad standing in the hallway, "Hi, daddy. You're home early." I say nervously, "Why did that Hunter boy kiss you? You dating him? Are you giving him money?" My dad grips my bicep tightly pulling me close to him, "Huh?" He gets really close to my face, "No daddy, I promise I don't give him money. He never even asks me, I've been friends with him and Cory Matthews since we moved here daddy you knew that." I speak quickly, "You're just like your mother." He insults the both of us as he drags me to my room, "No dinner, no light, no TV for a week. Do your homework." He slams my door and turns off my power with the electric breaker.

This is going to be a long night

I dread getting up this morning since I have to walk to school alone.

I groan to myself as I lug myself out of bed to get ready. I brush my teeth, straighten my curly hair and put on a black headband, then I go back to my room and I put on black boyfriend style jeans, black short sleeve tucked into the pants held up by a cute black belt and overtop I put on one of Shawn's flannels that he took the sleeves off of. After first period I walk to Shawn's locker, Cory had the same idea, "Shawn, where have you been? You missed first period!" Cory exclaims, "You okay?" I ask, "I'm great!" He has such a sly grin on his face, "Shawn what did you do?" I open his locker to put my stuff in since it's much closer than mine.

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