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"Shawn! Cass! We're gonna be late." Cory exclaims as he runs up to Shawn and I, "Hold on I'm checking my messages." Shawn says quickly as he dials on the payphone. "Hey, John, what's your secret code?" Shawn asks Turner as he walks out of the principal's office, "1434." I answer, "Bingo." He points at me, "Welp, no messages." Shawn says, hiding his disappointment, his dad hasn't called in two weeks. "Here's your binder." I say as he gently takes it from me, "Thank you, babe." He smiles, peck kisses me and wraps his arm around my waist as we all walk to class. "Hey, I wouldn't worry too much Shawn, there could be a million good reasons." Mr. Turner tries to remain positive. "Yeah, didn't he say he was on his way to the Vatican to see his friend, the Pope?" Cory adds. Shawn stops to look at them, "Guys." I say, trying to make them stop. "It was just after his last letter, I thought he was headed back this way that's all." Shawn explains then walks away, holding my hand.

"He'll come back." I reassure him, "You know him better than anyone else, if you felt like he was coming back, he will." I reassure him quietly as we sit down in class. "I know, Cass; but, when?" He sighs and I gently rub my thumb over the top of his hand, silently comforting him the rest of class.


"Coming apartment hunting with me and John today?" Shawn asks as I throw all my things into my backpack. "Sure." I say even though I know my dad is going to rage when I get home. "You sure your parents won't get mad?" Shawn asks as we walk to Mr. Turner's car, "Nah, no big deal." I lied. My stomach begins to twist into knots and my palms are clammy–I'm so dead.


"I'm just saying I didn't like any of the apartments we saw!" Shawn complains as we walk into Turner's. "The one with the high ceilings was nice." I try to be positive, "Babe, it had no furniture!" Shawn exclaims and I slap my forehead with my hand in disbelief, "Shawn, it's an unfurnished apartment!" Turner exclaims back, "Thank you!" Shawn scoffs. "Why are you being so difficult?" Turner yells "I'm not being difficult!" Shawn defends himself, "I didn't mind the duplex in the condo community but you said it was too expensive!" Shawn points out. "Look! Look! I talked to the duplex guy and got the price down and he even said he'd include carpets!" Cory runs in, opening a binder of carpet samples, "My advice is to go shag because it feels good between your toes." "Hard to clean." I say, "Enough with the carpets!" Turner yells causing me to jump slightly; I hate yelling. "What is wrong with right here?" Shawn asks, walking around the apartment, "Furniture. Neighbors who mind their business." Shawn starts, "Mrs. Dupchek, can you stop looking at me like that?" I hear Mr. Williams say as he walks through the door, "Full house." I sigh and walk over to stand by Shawn, "So much for minding their business." Cory mutters under his breath.

"Eli, what's going on?" Turner asks Mr. Williams as he shuts the door and walks over to the couch. "You know when Mrs. Cupchek's husband died and she said she'd never look at another man?" "Yeah?" "She's over him and I'm scared." "Why? You could do worse, matter of fact I've seen you do worse." Mr. Turner teases. "You know this building is going to miss all that wit when you're gone? When is that happy day?" Mr. Williams asks, full of sarcasm. "Whenever Shawn finds a place he likes." Turner scoffs. "You know since everyone is talking about me like I'm not here, I mind as well not be here." Shawn rolls his eyes and grabs my hand, "Come on, babe let me take you home." Shawn says as we leave Turner's apartment.

"Shawny," "Cassie, if it's about an apartment or my dad I don't want to hear it." He says sternly as he marches me home. "I just was going to say, we can get an apartment together." I offer, "I know we're only fifteen but I'm sure we can try." I try to remain positive. "I can't afford that." Shawn huffs, "But, I can try to pay for it myself. I can babysit for money, I have a lot saved and I can even try to find my way into my dad's accounts." I offer. "I can't ask you to do that." "You're not asking, I'm offering." I insist. "Cass, no. Like you said, my dad will be home soon and everything will be alright." Shawn says and I nod, "Okay, Shawny." I say softly and continue walking with him.

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