"I wasn't invited?"

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Akaza saw Douma's face expression become darker. And something inside him was pestering him to ask if the younger was fine, so he begrudgingly opened did, " Are you okay?" Douma realised what had happened when he heard that, quickly putting up his mask again. " Oh? Yeah, Akaza-dono, I'm fine! You don't need to worry about me,"  he said, still putting on that smile.

' Stupid fake smile. It makes me want to punch his face off.' Akaza thought, as he saw the demon in front of him put on his usual one. Douma was really good at faking, really, really good. But Akaza could see right through it, he had experience. " Stop that," he said, giving a look to the other. 

" Stop what, Akaza-dono?" " That stupid smile, it's annoying me." Douma's fake smile flickered into a real one for a second. That surprised Akaza, but he thought he just got better at faking it.

It only lasted a second before the mask was plastered on his face again. " Oh? It annoys you?" He giggled. " Then, I guess I should wear it more often." Akaza sighed. " You're hopeless." " I know, and you love that about me." Akaza was flustered, who did he think he was? But, he didn't argue. " Shut up." " You didn't deny it~" 

Normally, he would punch Douma's head off for this. But, for some reason, he didn't feel like it now.Instead, he decided to leave, so he wasn't the victim to anymore teasing from the blonde.

And just as he'd left, Gyokko had teleported in. " Douma, there's an upper moon gathering tomorrow, you're invited, so you better be there." " Oh? I don't remember us having those before. I guess it's good to try new stuff, I'll be there!"

Gyokko looked at him with no interest whatsoever. " You didn't have a choice to come, we have a lot of these, we just don't invite you. It's just that Kokushibo can't make it, he has a mission, and we need 5 people at least to get in. So we need you. If only the siblings were still there..." He explained.

" Oh, okay." Gyokko flashed out of the room, leaving Douma to his thoughts.  ' They didn't invite me? I guess I was right, they really do hate me.' 

' I guess I'll go ask Akaza-dono for the details.' With this, he went to Akaza's door, sharply knocking three times before the door opened. His mask seemed to be getting harder and harder to keep on. " I was invited to the uppermoon gathering, I would like to know the details." Akaza was confused, blunt and straightforward? This definitely wasn't like how Douma usually acted at all. 

He noticed that his smile also seemed more strained. " Yeah, sure, come in." Douma's facial expression remained shaky for the whole time Akaza explained everything. His smile almost dropped, which wasn't like Douma at all. He was really good at holding them. It was almost as if his emotions were back, but that was impossible, right?

" Douma! Are you even listening to me?" His voice seemed to snap Douma out of a trance. " Eh? Yeah, sorry." " You seem really out of it today. Are you sure nothing's wrong?"

Douma wasn't ready to tell the truth to Akaza, though he probably already knew, " No, no, Akaza-dono, nothing's wrong, I'm absolutely fine!" He said, piecing his mask back together carefully.

Word count- 580 words.

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