Could you come with me?

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Kokushibo's POV

Seeing whatever was happening to Dōma struck a chord in me. It made me have a few flashbacks, unpleasant things I did not want to recollect. He seemed to be making an effort through the obviously involuntary breakdown happening to him to rush to his room. Nakime seemed to pity him enough at that moment to play her biwa and take him there.

For some time, we sat in uncomfortable silence. I got some uncomfortable glances, as if they wante to ask something, but couldn't bring themselves to do it. Tired of that, and slightly worried, but I'll never admit it out loud, about Dōma. "So, I'll... go check... on him." The others looked curiously at me. " I just want to see, you know? It's been a long time since he came out."

Akaza looked a bit worried. " Yeah, you're right. I think I should come with you. He's worrying me a bit." I just nodded, turning around and signalling Nakime to take us there she played her biwa again and me and Akaza dropped into the room.

Dōma wasn't at all looking normal. He was paler than usual, a dead, dull look in his eyes which he usually tried to cover up, and his face was completely blank, expressionless. He didn't notice us come in, as if he was in some sort of trance. He lay flat on his bed, in an unnatural position.

" Hey, you there?" Akaza asked. The way he said it, I couldn't tell if he was talking to Dōma or me. Apparently me, because he snapped his fingers in front of my face, earning a shocked movement and me accidentally breaking his arm off. I muttered a small apology and gave a signal to the demon on the bed that had now seemed to have snapped back to reality. 

" Finally!" The pinkette exclaimed. " You have no idea how  worried I was when you were lying like that, you looked completely out of it." 

I felt a slight vibrating sensation go through my body, meaning my thoughts were being read." Akaza, Dōma Muzan sama is... reading our thoughts, think about something else... like killing Hashira... the blue spider lily, or something." They gave a quick nod, knowing that Muzan would not be pleased with his demons feeling worry, or even something related to it, he found those emotions made you weak.

The tingling sensation faded away, leaving no sign it was even there. And an unexpected interruption from a certain rainbow eyed demon comes in. " He, guys? Thank you for coming and all, at least someone cares. But, I'm absolutely fine." I honestly admired him at that moment. He was so convincing, I honestly thought for a split second he was actually okay. But, his mask cracked, even if only for an instant. I admired him for being able to keep it up even now. 

I was about to tell him he didn't have to lie to us, and that it's okay, but Akaza beat me to it. " Hey, please don't lie to me, we really care about you, we all do, and we're really sorry, really." He knocked twice on the desk near the bed. The biwa's noise was heard, and the others flashed in. 

An incoherent murmuring of apologies was heard, and they'd apparently baked him a cake too, with icing and all. A small, almost melted, chocolate fan sculpture was at the top, it was rainbow coloured with messily done white icing on the edges. Not that it was very impressive, but I could see Douma was really happy that they tired at least, and everybody knew that he loved cake.

They promised to be better people, and Douma agreed to forgive them as long as they baked one new slice of cake for him every day. They looked a bit worried, I assume they went through a lot of trouble for this, I don't know who convinced them to do it and how. " I'm only joking, I wouldn't ever be so demanding!" 

They breathed a sigh of relief, demons were better than humans at a lot of things. Baking? Not one of them. Douma slightly smiled. " I still don't forgive you guys completely, but you tried, and I appreciate that. Maybe sometime soon, but not now, I hope you understand."

Douma glanced at Akaza, " I have something to say to you, could you come with me for a moment?"

Word count- 744 words.

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