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"You are?" Eren asked the woman seated across from him. He sat with his back toward the driver. Levi was beside him, Pixus across from the Prime.

"They call her Dame Reiss." Pixus stated. They way he said it made it sound like he wanted to call her something else.

The woman sat primly in her white dress. It came to just above her ankles where she wore thin heeled strap shoes. Her blonde hair was long as it waved down her back. Her blue eyes were harder than any mineral Eren had ever seen. He looked her over. The way she held herself, the way she dressed, she wasn't a fighter. He smirked before looking out the window.

"Don't bother, you won't be able to see anything." Levi informed him. It was true. The tint on the window was so dark you couldn't see through it. Eren frowned. What was he suppose to do for who knew how long the drive was.

"Have you consummated your mate status?" the woman asked. Levi smirked.

"Fishing so soon?" Pixus asked. He gave her a friendly smile. Eren eyed him. The old man was never this open and friendly. Levi squeezed Eren's fingers.

"Maybe she would like a show?" he gave a crooked grin to his mate. Eren's eyes widened. Levi leaned over. He caught the back of Eren's neck, pulling their mouths close together.

"What do you think you're doing?" she snarled. Levi turned feeling Eren's lips brush against his cheek.

"Well, proving to you that we are in fact fully mated." Levi stated. The Dame glared at him.

"Just sit back and enjoy the ride." She growled. "Your pack won't be able to keep up much longer." Her cold smile sent a shiver through Eren. Levi appeared unaffected.

"Oh, is that what you think we did?" he asked. Her thin lips turned down.

"You're not the first pack we had to deal with. Our patrols will spot any wolves that aren't allowed on the compound. It won't matter if they are in human of wolf form." She pointed out. Levi leaned slightly forward.

"Erwin Smith." He said the name as if the woman should now it. At first she held he posture.

"Hange Zoe." Levi stated. The woman's eye twitched.

"Armin Arlert." Levi went on. Then he sat back.

"Kenny Ackerman." He said the last name with a relaxed air about him. The tips of the woman's ears turned red.

"What are you trying to do?" She hissed through clenched teeth. "I know the names of everyone in your pack." She added.

"Do you?" Levi asked looking up. Eren felt like he was watching a tennis match. The ball was volleying nicely between the two opponents.

"It doesn't matter that you have built a formidable pack with strong Alpha's. You are not stronger than the Proctor." She insisted.

"Not yet." Levi said coolly. His free hand twirling a strand of Eren's hair between his fingers. Eren shivered as his mates fingers brushed the back of his neck.

Nothing else was said for a long time. Pixus appeared to have fallen asleep. Levi leaned back, his own eyes were closed, but Eren knew how little sleep their prime got. He didn't say anything to the woman who had taken out her phone. She was scrolling, clicking away with red painted nails, while frowning the entire time at the lit screen. Eren sighed. He wondered what the pack was doing right now. He wanted to asked Levi what the plan was. How much time had they had on this? With a sigh, he closed his eyes. It took a while for him to shut his mind down.

"Hey lover." Levi whispered in his ear as he planted a small kiss to his neck. "Where here." He said once he saw Eren's eyes peek open. Eren smiled but it turned into a yawn. He stretched, before following Levi out of the car. What he saw infuriated him.

Leader of the pack 2: ProtectedWhere stories live. Discover now