In the light of day

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"What's going on? Where is he? How are you alive?" the words gushed from Eren.

Everything he had wondered over the last few months came pouring out of him. He didn't give the smiling scientist even a breath to answer. He gushed, gasping for air as he vomited up all his concerns, worries, the doubts that ate at him late in the night.

"Relax!" Hange cried laying a hand on his arm. They gazed at each other.

"Breath, Eren. Give me a few minutes, I will have answers for you soon." Hange stepped backward.

"Wait, your not leaving?" Eren gasped. The smile touched the alpha's face.

"For only a minute. I actually didn't think you would wake so soon." Hange reached down separating the infants.

They began to wail the moment they lost contact with the others. The alpha huffed. Laying them back together, they turned to hook the bins together. Sliding the plastic out from the center created one large bed. Carefully, the alpha arranged the bedding for the siblings to rest together. One by one, they were placed on the soft bed. Their hands gripping each other, the unusual powerful one being in the middle.

"Sleep well!" Hange cooed to them.

Turning they looked back at Eren. "Eat." They pointed to a tray of food. "Give me five minutes, I promise, I'll be back." Hange offered.

Eren pulled the tray over to him. It sat on a table with wheels. Once he took a bite, the other Alpha grinned. Waving their fingers they slipped out of the room. The silence of their departure was terrifying to Eren. He ate the food while starring at the clock. He had no idea just what he ate.

It all tasted bland, almost as if he were eating cardboard. His jewel bright eyes watched the hand on the clock tick away the seconds. One minute down. He focused on that as he realized he had something to drink. He picked up the cup, slurping the coffee as the hand ticked away. Two minutes. The food was gone by the four minute mark. There was another cup of something.

Eren slipped the lid off to reveal some chicken broth. It smelled good. Also it was still pretty warm. He raised it to his lips, eyes going back to the clock. Thirty seconds left. He watched counting each tick as he drank the broth. Five minutes. He glanced toward the door.

He saw it begin to open. He sat the cup down. The door froze as a hand gripped the side of it. Those fingers were too small to be Hange's. Eren glared at them. The way they turned white as if the person was trying to hold themselves back. He saw how each finger was the same length. It was a sign of being well trained in forms of fighting, something he had only seen in one person he knew.

The door pushed further open. Eren's eyes dropped to the shoe. It was non descript, black. He frowned as the leg slipped through. The door pressed wider. Why was it so slow? Eren thought. He saw the soft pale check, a bandage was held in place by white tape. An eye peered around the door to look at him.

The breath in Eren's lungs whooshing out. The tray before him was shoved away. He tried to get up. His feet barely touched the cold hospital floor before strong arms gripped him.

"Stupid brat, you just had major surgery!" the voice growled in his ear.

"Levi!" Eren gasped his mate's name. One hand clutched the strong shoulder, the other cupped his cheek.

"Hey, brat." Levi whispered. It was all Eren allowed him to say.

Cutting off anything else the ravenette wished to utter, Eren pressed their lips together. His mouth fell open to accept Levi's tongue to swirl inside. His senses filled themselves to over flowing with everything about his mate.

Leader of the pack 2: ProtectedWhere stories live. Discover now