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Exactly two weeks and four days later, an estimated seven and a half months after conception, Eren went into labor. He had been standing up from the noon meal to take his dishes back to the kitchen. His stomach rolled, pain shot down his back, he howled as his knees buckled.

He tried to catch himself on the table, but the pain slammed into his stomach, his back, running down his legs. He caught hold of his huge belly, cradling the children in one arm as he cried out. Darwin was there to catch him.

The red bearded man, lowered him to the ground while shouting for someone to get the doctor. Eren curled around his protruding stomach, trying to breath through the intense pain. His first thought went to Levi. What was he doing at this moment? Was he alive? Was he aware of what was happening?

This was immediately followed by another thought, as another pain racked his body, he cried out a soft moan for Hange. He feared going into that room without the weird scientist being there with him.

He was alone. He would have these kids alone. No one was there to watch his back. He had no pack to look after his kids while he recovered. He tossed his head back howling out a long low wailing sound that made everyone who heard shiver with its pain. He closed his eyes as Darwin spoke nonsense above him.

The doctor came. He had an assistant with him, their mouth and nose was cover by a mask. Eren blinked fixating on the thick large glasses that covered the doe brown eyes. It couldn't be! Eren saw the one eye close. He saw the manic happiness deep within it as it reopened, the look that said the person behind it wasn't completely sane.

"Hange?" he groaned out.

"Hush baby boy, mama will take care of you." The soothing voice of his friend reached his ears.

He knew he had to be hallucinating. He knew Hange couldn't be here with him, so his mind created them. He closed his eyes, his breathing evening out. His last conscious moment was hearing the doctor yelling something about blood loss and heart rate. Eren was gone into the darkness.

There, he found him. His mate waited, watching. Levi reached out as Eren ran into his arms. The soft hair spun through his fingers. The rock hard muscle throbbed under his grasp. Those lips found his. They melded together into one person. Neither spoke as they clung to each other.

"Levi." Eren breathed in the scent of him. Musky, earthy it made him feel as if he was home once more.

"I'm always right here, Eren." Levi gave him a tiny smirk. The look Eren always took as his secrete smile for his mate. Eren had never seen him use it on anyone else.

"I miss you." He moaned his chest aching with the need to be with his mate.

"We will find each other again." Levi promised.

Eren twisted his head, burying his face in the open shirt of his mate. He rubbed his face against him, filling his mind, his nose, his soul with that scent. It was all he ever needed, his mate. His true prime! He needed Levi now more than ever.

A soft beeping sound was pulling on his mind. Eren tried to ignore it. It squealed a loud long flat sound before restarting the annoying beep. All the while Levi sat with him, holding him. He stroked his hair as they just marveled at each other.

Eren drank his fill of those steel grey eyes. He loved how they softened when they landed on him. How they told the tale of the others moods. How they looked when Levi was deep in lust for him. It was all a memory though. He hadn't had Levi near him in so long...

"They need you, brat." Levi cooed in his ear.

"I want to stay here, stay with you." Eren moaned clutching the shimmering body even as it dissolved away from him.

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