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"Triplets, are you sure?" The fake Levi faltered. For a second Eren saw green in those grey eyes. He was working hard to keep the form. So, some sort of shape shifter, Eren guessed.

"Yeah, what are you talking about?" Eren asked the man.

"There is this prophecy..." the man hesitated. He looked up at the ceiling once more. With a sigh he lowered his head.

"I'm sorry." He said loudly. Then he turned to the desk. He flipped the food onto the floor. Stomping on it he made a lot of noise. Yet, he turned his head to Eren.

"There hasn't been a true prime in over a millennia." He hissed just loud enough for Eren to hear.

"No one thought about the prophecy in ages. But that's my job. I take care of them write them up over and over again in whatever new media comes around to preserve them." Eren thought he was just rambling but knew he needed to listen. He strained his ears.

"It is written in time that when a true prime emerges, he will father triplets." The man looking like Levi stopped.

"Yes it said he!" He smirked nodding. Eren watched, as the more he got into his story, the less like Levi he looked.

His face began to change slightly. The green of his eyes came out more, his hair lengthened turning a bit lighter. Even his body began to lose the muscle mass. Eren felt his heart sinking. All this time he spent trying to figure out if this man was his mate, Levi was somewhere out there...

He snapped his mind back to what the man was saying.

"... issue in a time of renowned peace. They call them "The Guardians." He whispered.

They could hear feet running down the hall. Eren knew if he had the real Levi this wouldn't be a problem. With this man... well he just wasn't sure. Drawing in a deep breath the taller teen let it out.

"Well, I was lying that I was told I was having triplets. But..." He glanced towards the corridor. The feet were closer.

"I do know I can sense more than one mind when I transform." He smirked.

"I will protect them with my life, however unless it is." The man stood up. He picked up the knife Eren had set down unaware.

No longer was Levi standing before him. Yet Eren knew this wasn't the person's true appearance either. His eyes shone a brilliant blue, his hair was wild sticking up all around his head. He looked young, arrogant. The swagger he held was so close to Levi's that it tore at Eren's heart.

They saw the shadows begin to dance on the walls. Eren shifted. The shaggy brown wolf stood just behind the young teen. The first solider came into sight right after the teen covered Eren with a blanket. The man glanced back.

"He is sick. Throwing up, I think something is wrong!" the voice was high with a slight nasal draw to it.

"Stand back." The solider ordered.

"I can't he will fall over!" the teen cried. They heard the key turn in the lock. The bars began to slide open.

"NO, DON'T..." A voice farther down the hall cried out. Eren butted the teen away with his head.

He lunged for the man. Scratching his claws down his chest, the solider fell back with a scream tearing out of him. The wolf bounced off the far wall. Spinning Eren finally got to see the hall he was in. It was long, currently it was stocked with bodies. He had little room to maneuver. This wasn't optimal. If only he had the real Levi.

"Fucking brat. What did I tell you about stopping." Eren blinked. The voice was spot on. He twisted his head around. Levi walked out of the cell.

"You do know how to bowl, right?" he asked cracking his neck. Eren let out a howl. Levi laughed.

Leader of the pack 2: ProtectedWhere stories live. Discover now