Midnight run

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Eren gazed at what felt like the empty night. They were going at night to hopefully throw off the wolves watching them. The first sign of trouble came when they heard a howling in the distance. Kenny was calling for his pack to back him up. Hange didn't even slow.

In fact, the other alpha pressed harder on the gas. The truck lurched forward as the motorcycles came in to surround it. They weaved a pattern protecting the truck. Levi was on his knees, one hand on the latch that would open the back for him to jump out. Eren was cautious of taking his seatbelt off. He glanced back to Connie. The bald head was peering out into the darkness watching for any sign that they had been detected.

They drove on, not seeing any sign of what was happening with the others. They were even taking a different route than Erwin with his people. So far they hadn't crossed the path of anyone else. Eren glanced to Hange, their knuckles were white on the wheel. He saw that they were using their wolf vision as they drove. Looking back, Sasha was hunched over her son, one hand gripping the car seat where Chiyo sat.

Eren looked at the baby. Her mismatched eyes found his. She was the only one awake. As he starred into her eyes, he felt something niggling at the back of his head. She was trying to tell him something. He tuned into his wolf senses. She was a baby, unused to any form of communication, but she had grown inside of him. His body still remembered her.

He recalled the vivid dreams he had while pregnant, this connection was like that. Had Chiyo, along with her sisters, been communicating with him all along? He hadn't thought that even possible. Now he felt her. She wasn't strong enough to protect them, she wouldn't be for years to come. She needed her parents to help her. He felt the distress, but a calmness within the girl. She wasn't strong enough.

"We are strong together." Eren whispered. He opened his eyes. He hadn't even known he had closed them.

"Brat, what's going on?" Levi asked. There was an eerie glow inside the truck.

"Eren, your eyes..." Connie hissed.

"No one is going to hurt us!" Eren vowed.

He turned around to see what lay before them. He wasn't in control of this ability, wasn't even sure if Chiyo was, but he could use it. The night opened up to him. It was as if the trees weren't there, the mountain wasn't there. He could see everyone, wolf or man, that patrolled the woods.

Eren instructed Hange on which way to go. He avoided the areas that the proctor had set ambushes up for them. At one point they came to a creek. It was flowing fast with the spring rains having filled it.

"Don't slow down." Eren instructed.

"Eren?" Hange asked.

"Brat?" Levi was gripping the back of Connie's seat.

Eren meet Hange's eyes, there was a wild look in them. A laugh tore from their parted lips as an insane grin spread over their face.

"Hang on!" Hange cried.

They gunned the engine. The truck surged forward. The tires spun once in protest before the front of the truck dipped into the flowing water. The engine whined as Hange pressed further down on the gas. The truck kept going. It was bumpy, they slid down the stream a little. Hange corrected the truck aiming for the low side across the creek. It was a battle with the water. Howls filled the air around them.

Levi looked back. "They found us." He was about to open the hatch to give his family time to escape.

"Wait, Rigor and Darwin aren't with us." Eren cautioned.

Sure enough the twin motor bikes came flying down the path. One wolf rose to confront the first bike. It's head was cut from its body as a bloody machete came through its neck. Darwin was screaming as he whipped the bike around. He fought like a savage taking out the wolves they could see.

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