Just like always

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The air smelled strange. Eren blinked. Levi was sitting in a chair next to the door. The strong muscled arms were folded over the hard chest. His head was leaning back against the wall, eyes closed. Eren smiled at how cute he looked. That was until, Levi's head fell down to touch his chest. His arms flopped to his sides. Eren watched as his body slumped over. He leaned heavily against the side of the chair. There was something odd about the way he was breathing.

Eren shook his head. It felt foggy. Sort of like it was stuffed with cotton, but he could still think. It didn't hurt, but... his hand went to his stomach. They wouldn't hurt the baby, right? He worried. He knew only one thing, he had to get out of here.

He slipped off of the table. His legs almost too weak to catch himself. Gripping the table, he called out his mate's name. Levi didn't even look up. There was no response at all from the raven head. Eren knew they were in trouble now. With the prime down, who knew where they had taken Pixus, Eren was on his own.

Using the last of his consciousness, Eren transformed. He was falling into the pit of darkness. The wolves senses would be heightened. It may cause him to pass out quicker, but if he could just reach someone in his pack... He tried to reach out. Searching for any member close enough to hear him. He felt nothing. Could it be due to whatever it was they were pumping into this room?

He fought against it. His brain felt like mush as the smell was stronger in this form. He could tell it was some sort of sleeping gas. His time was coming to an end. In a last ditch effort he did the only thing his fogged brain could think of.

'Hange, hear me!' Eren begged he told them everything that he was experiencing.

He had no idea if the other Alpha even heard. He heard no response as his body slumped to the floor. He fought to hold on as long as he could. His hand reached out to his mate. Levi's dangled down beside the chair. Eren was able to grip his fingers. It was the last conscious thought he had, before everything went black.

Just before he lost to the darkness he swore he heard the tiniest 'those bastards!' in Hange's unamused voice. It was so unlike the other Alpha to respond that way, that a part of Eren took note of it. It wasn't enough to keep him from slipping into the abyss of unconsciousness.

He awoke sometime later. Alone, he looked around without moving much of his body. When he passed out he must have resumed his human form, that's what he was in now. Or did they have some way of making him transform? He wouldn't put anything past them again. He quickly realized he was in a small cell like room. Judging by the walls, he was still in the stone city. He twitched his ears to hear the waterfall, he couldn't. Rising up off of the bed, he felt his legs go wobbly for a moment. They appeared to strengthen the longer he was on them. He tried gripped the wall as he made his way to the door.

He took in the room. The pale white walls looked like marble. They were smooth. He couldn't sink his claws in, but could only place a hand against them for support. The bed he woke in was pressed against the far wall. There was a desk beside the cell door of bars. Next to that was a waste basket then a small dark bookshelf. This was filled with books, Eren didn't bother with it. Across the width of the room from this was a dresser. He could tell he was meant to be in here for sometime.

In what felt like forever, Eren reached the cell door. He curled his hands around the bars attempting to peer out of it. He couldn't see anything but more sheer smooth rock walls. He didn't even see another door. No guards stood outside. How deep was he buried? Had his message reached anyone? What was their plan? Was Hange's voice really what he heard? He shook his head. That had been so out of character for them, that it had to be they had heard him!

A more pressing issue came to mind, what had they done with Levi and Pixus? He frowned still attempting to look down the hall. His head was pressed as tightly against the bars as he could get it. But he saw nothing. It appeared he was near the end of a long hall. Maybe twenty feet was to the right of his cell. He noted that it ended there. He tried calling out.

Leader of the pack 2: ProtectedWhere stories live. Discover now