My brat

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⚠️ smut⚠️

Eren was tired of traveling. Over two months of it would ware on any one. They had set up houses in just about every town or village they passed. At least three humans and one wolf stayed in each place. That was if the wolf wasn't mated or their mate was in the next town. It had been slow. Eren watched their numbers dwindle. By the time they finally reached Kenny, Eren was about to just storm the proctor and tear it apart with his bare hands.

"The runt and the mutant together again!" Kenny blew smoke up into the darkening sky. It was just before dusk.

"You were always an asshole." Levi muttered as he walked up to greet his uncle.

"Kenneth, where is the welcoming party?" his sister demanded.

"You're a day early." The alpha complained.

"Don't worry, I have hot food for you lot. At least one of ya knows how to use a phone." He grouched.

"Leave the vehicles." Levi called. "Just bring what you need for the night." With that he followed his uncle into the large farm house.

Eren had already glanced over the rest of the farm. There were several out buildings. Anyone could hold a traitor. Any wolf here could be a spy for the proctor. He knew if one had infiltrated the Ackerman pack, Kenny or Levi would tear it apart. He tapped Darwin on the shoulder. When the large man looked over at him, he swirled his finger in the air, telling him to circle the buildings. The red head nodded glancing toward Rigor who stood guard over the triplets.

Eren walked up to his trusted friend. He opened the door to see all three girls looking up at him. Pan was punching the air giggling happily, Ariel was chewing on her foot, where her shoe went, Eren wasn't sure. Chiyo looked up at him as if to say about time. Even her tiny chubby arms were folded. Eren laughed at how much she resembled Levi in this moment. He scooped the priestess out of her car seat. Her head flopped to his shoulder as he pulled Pan out next.

The door across from him opened as Levi retrieved Ariel. The mates smirked at each other. Levi closed his door as Eren backed out of his. Rigor got the door for him while Darwin held the door to the house open. The mates walked in. Three women stood just inside the door. Each one with a towel in their hands and a bag of bathing supplies on their back. They moved toward the babies.

Eren expertly danced behind his lover. Levi leaped forward blocking the first one. Erwin chuckled from beside the counter as his mate took Eren's back. The chuckle wasn't very friendly. The thunk of his mug being set down was loud in the space.

"I told you, you aren't touching those kids." Erwin stated.

"We are only going to bathe them!" the woman before Levi stated. She reached toward Ariel. The alpha howled.

Pan screamed at the sound of her sisters distress. Chiyo lifted her head to look at the woman. It wobbled as her neck still wasn't strong enough to hold her head up long. A grey flash of light zipped from her left eye, danced across to her green right eye before blinding the woman looking at her. The female wolf cried out staggering back. It did no permeate damage to the woman, bit gave Levi enough time to pass Ariel to Armin.

"No one touches my kids except my pack." He told them.

"What, what is that thing!?" the woman, who was holding her hand before he face in a manner as to protect herself, demanded.

"She is our salvation." Eren stated, while Armin stroked her back.

"Come mommy dear, your room is at the back." Kenny snorted seeing the woman fearful of the child now cooing against Eren's chest.

Leader of the pack 2: ProtectedWhere stories live. Discover now