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They had left the den in early evening. Levi kept them at a fast brisk run, not all out like he had warned Eren, but fast enough. They traveled over the territory swiftly. Night was closing in around them. They could all smell the scents intermingling with the aroma of nature. Something was here that didn't belong.

For a time, Levi tried to steer away from these scents. He slowed their frantic pace easing their way around the scout units. More came. They all feared what was really happening. Slowly, they were being surrounded. Erwin broke free of a small out cropping of trees. He swung his wolf head back toward Levi. They all knew what was going to come.

'Eren, Run.' Levi commanded using his prime voice. Eren hesitated.

The dark wolf head swung to look at him. Its muzzle split open in a sneering manner. Levi growled showing the sharp canines.

'Save my child, run you fucking brat!' he commanded again. Eren hung his head low.

He glanced to Armin. The blond nodded moving to stand at his mates back legs. Eren took one last look at the group. Swinging his head around, he bolted into the tall grass to their right. If Erwin was correct, the group who should have sealed this exit hadn't gotten there in time. Eren should be running free. Erwin tilted his head back. He howled out into the night. If their back up was close enough... he turned.

They transformed. Hange broke out what little weapons they had been able to carry or make over the last few days. They had less than half an hour to secure the perimeter around them. Deciding on their attack base, the small group set up a series of traps for any one, or anything coming for them.

For Eren, he was heartbroken. He didn't know what was happening to his mate or friends. He ran for a long time with his head down. He wanted to howl, to scream out his pain, but he was unable to. For one it would alert any wolf close by to his location, for two, he just couldn't let go so easily. He had faith, but he wasn't sure just what the blonds could do to save them.

He ran on through the night, not hunting, not eating, he never slowed to rest. Running on pure willpower, Eren saw the sun rise. He pondered briefly as he watched it come up over the sky line, how many of those he left behind were alive to see it now. Turning away, he set his goal to make sure he was on track to find this old friend of Levi's. He ran on.

His stamina was slowing, he could feel it. He needed to eat, drink. He was lucky to be able to sniff out a creek close by. Catching a few fish while he drank some of the water helped to re-energize him. He swung his head around the small rocky shore he was on. No sound filtered into his mind, this could only mean one thing, the wildlife here knew there was a larger predator nearby.

Eren crossed the creek. He dashed into the gloom of the trees. Once more he increased his speed until he was nearly foaming at the mouth from the exhaustion. They day ticked away around him. His mind wandered. Mostly he thought about Armin, their life together. How the blond had always been at his side. He thought of the couples twin daughters. How each man chose to leave their children to come save him, knowing they may never see them again.

Eren vowed to himself as he ran, that if that was the case, he would find the pack once more. He would take in the twins, raise them as if they were his own. He wasn't going to let those girls know a moment without the love their parents held for them. This promise fueled him to run faster.

He tore across an open plain. The weakness in his limbs pushed back once more as another burst of adrenaline kicked in. He thought about Levi. How they had first met. How they had grown to love each other even before they were mates. The day he saw the raven haired prime, realizing that this man he loved more than his own life, was his mate had been the happiest in his life. Eren kept the image of Levi in his head.

Leader of the pack 2: ProtectedWhere stories live. Discover now