Primal attack

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Eren saw the wolf come out of the darkness crouching low to the ground. He felt Levi shift slightly, they both ignored the scout as it inched closer. Eren kept his head facing forward. Levi let out a small sniffing sound. Eren's head dropped slightly. There were three more closing in on them.

When the scout got too close to Eren, Levi snorted. The alpha dropped to allow the prime to leap over him. Eren was in the air a moment later. Levi landed on the first scout as Eren smashed between two more. He kicked out hard with his back paws, cutting a gouge in one's side. The howl filled the air as Eren's teeth closed around the back of the others neck.

Using his entire body, he yanked the wolf upright. Flipping it over, he kicked at it with his paws. He heard the spine snap. The wolf let out a lonely yip before it stopped moving. Eren glanced up. Levi was back on the road. Five more wolves coming down at him.

They heard Kenny's pack fighting deeper in the woods. Looking over to the wolf he cut, Eren saw it trying to get up. The gouge was leaking blood, Eren swiped at it with his front paw, spilling the things guts out onto the ground. He was done fighting nicely, these were his kids they were going after. His family, his pack. He tossed his head back crying out a challenge to all around him. He was the true alpha!

Shockingly more wolves came out of the woods. They weren't from Kenny's back or the proctor. Eren recognized everyone of them. His betas came to fight along side him. He smirked when he saw Armin near the back instructing them all. Eren leapt out of the tree line as his pack closed in on him. Levi swung his head back to see what the commotion was. Eren saw the large wolf take a flying leap at his mate.

Before he could even cry out a warning, another wolf struck the dark ones side. They collided in mid air. Eren must have looked a sight as he stood with his jaw hanging open. Where had Erwin even come from? He wondered. Levi snapped, growling low in his cheat. Right, now wasn't the time!

Eren took his place before his pack. So many times in the past he stood here with them. They always had his back, but Eren had always been bigger. He took the brunt of any assault coming. He took the abuse, so they didn't have too. Sasha and Connie were the only ones missing. Eren was sure it was because they were with their kids.

He swung his head to see his second in command pad up to his side. Tonight they would fight as one. Eren lowered his head. He blinked at Armin.

"Stay back, watch everything, be our intel." He told the other in their wolf way of communicating.

"Yes, boss!" Armin snickered.

That was the last of the joking. The other packs were binding together. Eren swung his head back around. He howled out one command to his pack, fight. Fight they did. Blood sprayed the ground as the beta's went after the proctor's minions down this far. Fur flew in the air as the wind picked up. Eren lost count of how many he maimed or killed. It was an endless assult.

The rain came as they grew wary. Eren's head throbbed, his body hurt, but he couldn't stop. As long as a single member of his pack stood to fight, he wasn't going down either. They continued to tear into the oncoming wolves. The enemy seemed to have an endless supply of them. That was, until the shots rang out.

Eren swung his head around. He saw a wolf toss Levi aside. The prime rolled, he was a little slow getting to his feet, but that proved a good thing. The next shot hit the offending wolf between the eyes. The motorcycles revved as they danced through the trees. There headlights blinding the wolves who were used to the dark by now. Eren turned his head away to not get hit by them. Why were these idiots here? He told them to watch his kids!

Eren leapt landing in human form on the back of one of the bikes, only to discover he had never laid eyes on the man before him.

"Cool trick!" the man laughed manically before turning into a wolf, well his head anyway. Eren grinned he didn't know who this guy was, but was grateful he was on their side.

Leader of the pack 2: ProtectedWhere stories live. Discover now