Catching Red:5

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I chew on the green apple slices, while I read Ana thoughts from fifty shades of Grey. I smile as they got to the good parts. As I continue reading, my mind drifted back to Luke and I lack of conversations lately. After that dinner, we haven't said a word to each other. I sigh and twirl one of my pigtails. I close the book and walk over to the Garbage chute to throw away the core. As I turn around, I jump at the loud noise of a motorcycle. I look over at the parking lot to see none other than Tyler. I walk back toward the tree and sat down on the blanket.

I open up the book and return back to the scene. I smile as Christian does-"why you naughty, naughty little girl" I roll my eyes. "Why are you here?" I ask him wanting to get to the point. "Well I was wondering if you want to get some ice cream." I frown. "Really ice cream, well you don't have to worry about Luke and I we're fine, so you can return to your day now" I look at my phone and held my groan. I pack up my things and got up. "I'll see you at practice tomorrow Tyler" I continue on my walk to history. I continue to look at the clock as Mr.henry pass out our assignments on the ending of world War Two. I try my best to answer each of the questions, as I scan my notes for the answers. I look at the clock and only 30 minutes passed.

I sigh and look at my sweater to hope to pass the time. I wasn't in the mood to read Christian right now. I look at the calendar and ignore the Halloween date. We was only in the beginning of October. I heard the scrape of the chair next to me. I look and scowl. I so was not in the mood, I already dealt with one carter today, I don't need to deal with another one. I was about to put my ear buds in my ear to listen to music. I pause when I realize my phone died. I groan and look around. "You must be feeling blue today". I roll my eyes. "What gave that away? And I'm not feeling sad, just annoyed" he chuckle. "Your choice of outfit color". I stay silent wishing he would just go away. I felt a piece of paper hit my hand. I look to see it was crumple.

I roll my eyes and ignore it. 3 seconds later another paper hit my hand. I turn to my left to see him pointing toward the paper. i grab the crumple paper and threw it at him. He sigh and slide a piece of paper toward me. I look to see he wrote something on it. I grab the paper and look closer at it. I read what he wrote. Why are you so cold?

I sigh and look around the mirror room. I place my hair up into a double knot ponytail. I stretch and start to warm-up. I play the song Human by Christina Perri. As the song start I walk around the pole. I slid my hand down. I lean my body toward it. I slid my body around it slowly. I walk away and start to do plies over and over slowly on the tempo. I did some waves with my hands and body. On each beat I walk and move my arms around. From 2:21-2:30, I did one hand cartwheel. As it near 3:05 I start to do twirls till 3:18. I stop the twirls and drop down to a crouch. I rose up slowly and turn around slowly. As she rose her voice after I ran and did a back flip. I walk over to the pole and continue to spin. As it near to 4:02, I start to commence pirouettes till 4:10. I stop and walk toward the center of the room slowly, as the beat descended.

I took a deep breath and did the dance over. I wipe my tears and continue breathing heavy. I look into the mirrors and remember the scene four years ago.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 years ago~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I shiver as the cold wind hit me. He lock me out again. It was December, 19 Friday. I wrap my arms around me, as I try, but fail to get warm. At this rate, I could catch pneumonia. I look through the glass doors as he light a cigar and watch football. I walk over to the rusty, tall ladder. I slowly place my hand on the ladder. I ignore the frostbite of my fingers. As I lift it up slowly to make no noise. After 10 minutes. It finally lean on the wall. I climb up quickly ready to be out of the cold. I place my hand on the balcony railing, but my hand slip as the foundation was icy. After numerous attempts at trying to get a hold on the ice. The sliding door was open. My eyes widen at the trouble, I would be in. I quickly try to hold on, but I felt the ladder falling. I held in my screams as one of the steps caught my feet and pull me down with it. I thought I was dead, but when I woke up, I wasn't surrounded by caring people, hugs, kisses, and tears. I was surrounded with punches, kicks, insults, and more bruises. I watch in horror as he burn the only last picture of my mother.

I still remember the pain of one by one my hair strands felt as he pull on my hair tightly and spat the words in my face. "Why are you trying to become something that you won't never become, I mean stop trying to follow something you're not, you will never become like her, like Beckie, you are nothing, but a waste of space and that's why she's gone"


The memory of all mom dance outfits burned to ashes are still in my head. I blink and look at my reflection. I took a deep shaky breath and wipe my tears. I got up and walk to the showers. I stop in my tracks as he stood there. I swallow and continue to walk past him. I roll my eyes as he follow me. "So are you going to follow me to the showers?" I push the door open and walk in without waiting for his answer. I sigh as I dry myself. I place my hand on the door and inhale. As I knew the conversation would commence as I exit the door.

I look out the window as Luke drove us home. The silent treatment from each of us continues. I wish I can retrieve fifty shades from my bag, but I cannot. Oh what the hell. I open my bag and grab the book out. I turn to the page, where I left off. "So you're reading that book?" I turn the page. "yep" I smile as a scene commence between Ana and Christian. "So how is it?" I close the book and raise my brow at him. "You really want to know?" he chuckle "probably not" I open my book again and start to read. "Good choice" he stop the car and I look out the window to see we are at pastaria pizza. I wipe my mouth with the napkin and look toward Luke.

"This is my choice, I have good intentions for doing this Luke, I just want you to know that" he frown as he chew on his meat lover pizza. "What are those good intentions?" I push my plate away and look out the window. I look at the crescent moon and search for her. I control my breathing. I held my hand up to signal the waiter for the check. I stay silent as I felt Luke piercing eyes on me. I look down at the gold ring that was on my left hand. I twirl it around as I look at mom engravings. It is 13K gold with an angel figuring on it with diamonds covering it.

"Becca he can't hurt you anymore" I look up toward Luke and stay silent. I look back down at the ring and trace the angel. For now, but what's to come, if he finds me.

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