Catching Red:31

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"So "Rebecca" He chuckle.

I mentally groan.

"How have you been these days? I have a pretty good feeling the black ravens still hate your guts, I mean our new leader just abandons them in their time of need" he gasp as he clutch Cass tighter.

"Gerald just let her go, she has nothing to do with this" I lean on the wall beside Angelina.

He cock his head to the side. "So you're saying she's no valuable assets, so she is nothing" His fingers drum on each of her arms.

"You know Gerald, this would be a lot easier, if you just tell me what you want"

He chuckle. "You still don't get it"

I roll my eyes. "Obviously, but you're going to tell me anyway" I shrug.

He narrow his eyes at me. "I want my family back" my back tense.

I cock my head to the side. "What family? Remember you destroy your own family, so you don't deserve a family you bas-

He wave his finger at me. "Ah-ah-ah becca, don't forget I have the upper hand" He emphasize the point as he squeeze Cass arms.

I frown as I grit my teeth. "You like deals" I spat.

He smile. "I like where this is going" he sat down on the chair.

I push myself off the wall. "How about I return back with you and take my place as leader of The black ravens"

He chuckle which turn into a hard laughter. He slap his knee as he laugh harder. I frown. Shit. He don't like the deal.

He clear his throat. "No" he smile as he roll his shoulder.

I roll my eyes as I lean back on the wall. "Fine then you make a deal"

He sigh as he got up. "Becca, becca, becca, I don't want no deals, I just want my family back"

I snort. "Yeah, right"

He held up his palm. "Honestly, I'm a changed men, I finally realize how much it hurts what I put you and Angelina through, I tore you guys apart and it hurts me, I wish I can pay for what I-

"Yes you can, it's call prison" I spat.

He shook his head. "You now prison don't change some men, when they leave there, some pick up back where they were"

I frown. "So you know prison won't help you"

He sigh as he rub his forehead. "This is getting nowhere, Are you parch Becca? I am getting a little parch myself, Cassidy dear, go fetch us something to drink" he shove cass off.

She stop walking. I nod at her to go. She bit her lip as she walk off.

"My that little girl is brave she kind of reminds me of you Angel" He cock his head to the side as he sigh.

"Remember all those fun games we used to play" he ask me.

I smile as I cock my head. "How could I forgot Five seconds Red, Red rover, Airplane Red, and Beddie time with Red"

He smile as he took a step forward. "You're forgetting my favorite game of all catching Red"

I wince as that game have left many bruises and some broken bones. He smile at my reaction as he walk closer. I stare into his eyes as his face near mine. I felt his fingers touch my cheek.

"You always did have your mother's features, but now they're gone" I felt his fingers crush my cheek as he held them tightly.

He narrow his eyes at me. "Tell me Becca, do you love Angelina?"

I open my mouth to say something, but he cover it up.

"Do you still love her after she left you? Do you still love her after she abandon us and started a new family? Do you still love her after she let us believe she was dead all these years?" he grab my chin and pull me toward Angelina.

I wince as he push me onto the ground in front of her. I heard the clicking of a gun behind me. I quickly turn around to see him aiming the gun at her. I watch as his muscles tighten. The vein in his pulsed. His mouth was form into a hard frown. I could feel the anger rolling off of him.

"Tell me Angelina, do you still love this piece of disgrace?" he spat.

I turn toward Angelina to see tears streaming down her face as she bit her lip hard. I turn around quickly.

"Gerald don't" I shout.

He narrow his eyes at me for a split second, but still aim it at Angelina.

"Tell me do you still lo-

"Yes" I shout.

He sigh as he close his eyes tightly. He chuckle. "How could you still love her?"

He turn around as he chuckle. "Her" he shout angrily as he point his gun at mom.

"How could you still love her?" he shout as he punch the wall.

He quickly grab the glass from the table. "I mean, she destroy this family, she left you in my hands, she didn't even think twice, she just left us to pick up the pieces" he spat.

My eyes stay on the gun in his right hand. Just one pull of a trigger and anyone could be dead. I have to think carefully.

"I didn't destroy us" She whisper.

My head turn to her quickly. I shook my head at her to be quiet.

"I didn't destroy us you did!" she spat.

Gerald chuckle. I jump as the glass cup shatter from the force of the throw. He frown as he walk up toward her, before I can jump in. the force of his hand struck upon her cheek.

"You left? You had a fucking doppelganger take your place, and then leave your child in my hands, Mines! Hell! You must have wanted her to die, you piece of shit! Gerald shout.

I kept my eyes train on the gun. My eyes widen as he lift up gun and aim it toward her. "Now you're going to pay for what you did"

I quickly stood up and block Gerald. "Move Becca"

I narrow my eyes at him. "What happen to wanting your family again Huh?" I ask him.

He sigh. "We can still be a family, but without her"

I spot a movement behind. I held in my reaction as I saw Derek closing in.

I shook my head. "No we can't mom is a part of our family"

He frown. "No she's dead weight"

He smile as he aim the gun at me. Derek stop walking.

"That's a good boy Derek, take one more steps and I'll blow Becca brains out"

I roll my eyes. "Kill him Derek"

Gerald coo. "He won't do that, he care about his little becca too much"

"You won't kill me, I mean who's going to take over the black Ravens"

He chuckle. "Your mother and-

The sound of glass shattering I jump as something hit Gerald in the chest. I gulp as I realize a bullet was shot. I watch as Gerald eyes widen as he fell down with a thud. I walk slowly over and kick his legs to make sure that this was over. I breathe a sigh of relief as blood gush out.

I wait.






"He's dead" Angelina whisper.

"It's over" Derek said.

"We're all safe" Carlos said.


Hey everybody, i just want to say thank you for reading, all the silent readers, voters,commenters. Thank you it has taken me a year to finish writing this story. Now all their is left is an Epilogue.

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