Catching Red:21

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I groan as ponding commence in my head. I open my eyes slowly to see gray dirty walls. What. I thought. I blink my eyes for the scenery to become closer. I was in a dirty basement. I felt cold cuffs around my wrists. I look up and groan at the stiffness in my neck. If my assumptions are correct. My wrist are chain to the wall. I look up and I am correct. Whoop-de-do.

I move my feet to see that they are free. I got up slowly and release the aches in my bone. On my right is a bar window that has moon light streaming in. On my left is another bar window. On the ceiling is a fan. In front of me is a door with a rectangular glass window on there.

Oh goodie I'm home.

I stood up and walk forward. I gasp as the chains pull me back. I can only go 10 inches then the chains will pull me back. I turn around and pull on the chains. I bit back my screams of pain as the cuff dug into my skin. I look at the cuff and examine it. I bang It against the wall. Oh come on. I jump as the door open. I quickly turn around and stare at the dark silhouette of the unknown person.

"Tell Gerald he can go fuck himself" I said.

"I'm not Gerald" the man whisper.

My eyes widen at the voice. "Derek?" I whisper.

He walk forward into the moon light. His hair has been cut into a blonde quiff. His skin has become dark from being in the sun a lot. His baby bright blue eyes has become dull and lifeless. He walk closer to me and push my hair back.

"How are you here?" he ask me.

"I don't know the last thing I remember is being with Carlos"

His eyes widen.

"What what's wrong? Is Carlos hur-"

The opening of the door interrupted me. I look up to see Gerald face. His eyes has become red, he has age a lot. All the alcohol and smoking has done damage to his body. His teeth has become yellow. His skin has gotten a little darker.

"Hello Rebecca, I hear you have made quite the name for yourself in Hedgewick" he said.

I roll my eyes as I stood up.

He walk closer "Now how did little old you get so far away from daddy?"

I roll my eyes "Oh you know by running away and use what I learn from being in your father's gang"

"so have you thought of my proposition? It's lovely you have a chair and is the leader" he said.

I place my hand on my chin. "hmmm that would have sound awesome, if you didn't use your power to kill Angelina"

He scoff. "I had to do what I had to do, she was going to go to the cops"

"She was my mom and your wife" I spat.

"She was going to take you kids away from me" he said.

"Because you rape mom and I"

"I did what was best for us" he said.

I chuckle. "You know what go to hell Bastard"

"I've already seen it, Not my paradise" he chuckle.

This conversation is going nowhere. I sat down and sigh.

"Look let's make a bargain" he said.

He pull out his gun and lean on the wall. "Look you take my position as leader and I won't kill you"

I scoff. "Go ahead I don't care"

He chuckle. "Yes you are"

I stare at him hard. "No I'm not"

"You're still at this, I mean how long until this wall of yours break and you collapse" he sigh.

I stare at the wall as he kept talking.

"Would you like to know how you ended up here?" he ask me.

I turn toward him.

"I got your attention now" he said.

I roll my eyes.

"Carlos traded you in" he said.

I shook my head. No he wouldn't' do that.

"Oh but Carlos would. He would do anything for his family" he chuckle.

I hear the sound of the door opening. I look to see a tied up Carlos entering with two man behind him.

"Where's my wife and daughter?" he ask Gerald.

"Hmm I don't recall"

Carson lunge at him, but was restrain by the two guys behind him. "We had a deal"

My eyes widen. Gerald smile as he saw my expression.

"We have a traitor among us, Angelica as the new leader, what shall we do with him?" Gerald ask.

Carlos quickly turn toward me. I swallow the tears down. He open his mouth to say something, but he close it. he hung his head down.

"Where is his family?" I ask Gerald.

"Hmm in the back of my green truck" Gerald said.

"Give him back his family, but then I want them out of my city" I said.

Gerald smile. "Do you want me to dispose of them for you?"

Carson eyes widen. "Don't do this Angel think about mom. She wouldn't want a life like this for you"

"Parents don't make your choices, you do and if this is what she wants, I can't stop her" Gerald said.

I got up. "Drop them in the next city"

Gerald smile. He turn toward Derek. "You heard our leader, do as she commands" he bark.

Derek quickly grab Carson and exit the door with him.

Gerald suck his teeth. "This is why you can't get close to people, once you trust them, they'll hurt you. That's why I am how I am, I'm sorry for my past actions, but that was to make you stronger. I won't have weak children or wives"

"So do you accept my proposition?" Gerald ask me.

I look up at his eyes. "Yes"

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