𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚒𝚟𝚎

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Logan's hand never left me, he didn't let go of me as he pressed his foot all the way down on the gas and sped back to the brownstone home on the corner of the road.

"You're staying here tonight," Logan twisted the key, the ignition immediately cutting off before he was stepping out of my jeep, "not in your room, you're in my room tonight." I nodded along to his words, allowing his arm to slip around my waist and haul me into his chest, I hadn't even noticed the blood running down my legs and arms. "Jesus," Logans hand gripped my thigh, crimson staining his skin, "I'm so sorry Fia, I should've done more to stop him."

"Please Lo," we crossed the threshold into the house, ignoring the calls from his mother as he climbed the stairs, pushing his bedroom door open, "don't blame yourself, I'm a big girl. I didn't have to run." But I did, because I was terrified of letting Curtis or Bucky near me, of allowing them to corner me and taunting me like they did all those years ago. Logan ignored his mother as he climbed the stairs of the brownstone, warmth surrounding my suddenly frozen body. "I'm going to get you something to change into," Logan's voice was soft as he sat me on the counter in his bathroom, turning to start the shower, "wash off so I can see what cuts I need to tend to."

He didn't even give me an option to reply before shutting the door behind him.

Mud and blood had caked along my skin, cuts burning as I pulled the jean shorts down my legs, sucking in a hard breath. I had spent two years getting over the fear of Steve Rogers, he had bled into a faded memory before he showed up tonight, testing me, trying to see how far he could push me before I would crumble beneath his thumb. And he succeeded, he made me weak once again, kept the only person I had a security blanket away from me and made me face the four people who pushed fear so deep into my bones by myself. I had no idea when I pulled off the rest of my clothes, looking down at the tiled floor blood and mud flaking onto the white tile. The warm shower was calling out to me, begging me to step under the spray and allow it to wash the horrors of the night away.

I was supposed to be stronger than this.

A broken sob finally slipped past my lips as I sank down to the floor of Logans shower, hot water beating against me, a frantic call of Logan's name before he was outside the shower, his hand reaching behind the curtain to rub my back. "I'm here Fia, I'm here I promise." His words were comforting, his thumb running soft circles against my spine, "Oh my god," I whispered, finally bringing my head up to leet the water wash away dust from my face, "Julianna was supposed to come with you tonight, I'm so sorry Lo, I'm so so sorry."

Logan peeled the curtain back, cupping my face in his hands, eyes never leaving mine. "Sofia please," his thumbs ran against my cheek bones, wiping away the water and tears that mixed together, "you have always been and will always be number one, Julianna knows that, we've been best friends for years, she's going to stop by later to check on you. C'mon, lets get you into clothes and watch a movie." His words were so soft, speaking to me like a fragile flower, and if they came from anyone other than Logan, I would've been angry, but he had always seen me as fragile, and I've learned to embrace it.

Logan left as soon as I turned off the water, drying off before slipping into his gray tee and a pair of boxer shorts. Steam billowed into his bedroom as I opened the door, Logan laying on the bed, his arm immediately dropping open as he scrolled through the movies on his tv. I smiled, crossing the room before climbing into the space between his arm and chest. This was comforting, every week in high school this was how we spent our Friday nights, but after Phantom's Eve two years ago, I started distancing myself, staying away from the Rogers brownstone. "I've missed this," Logan whispered, pressing his lips to my temple before turning back to the screen, "stop hiding from me Sofia, we all miss you."

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