𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚢 𝙾𝚗𝚎

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𝚃𝚠𝚘 𝚈𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚜 𝙰𝚐𝚘



I was so exhausted.

That's one thing the doctors couldn't prepare me for, how tired I would actually be when I was finally able to go home. My entire body was stiff, nothing was easing the ache. I also wasn't prepared for the fear of fire that came with the territory. Even a flicker of a candle made me flinch when I came home. Every candle was removed from my room on my fathers command, only to be replaced with those battery operated ones. I felt like I was never going to get better, that fear would hold me under it's arm forever, and it just might.

The warm water of the bath I was sitting in had slowly started going cold. I reached forward with my unbandaged arm, unplugging the drain and standing up, wrapping a warm fluffy towel around me. Elena, Olivia, and Violet wanted to ditch the senior fall dance with me not being there, and as much as I would've loved them to be here tonight, I wanted them to have fun. It was our last year at Jade Lake Prep, just because I couldn't enjoy the dance didn't mean that they couldn't. It wasn't fair that they had to suffer with me. Loneliness had crept upon me, and I had to admit it wasn't a fun thing to deal with. I've never been alone, I've always had Logan or Elena around, but they weren't tonight and I was feeling the repercussions.

I stepped into my room, stopping dead in my tracks when I saw an open window and looked to my bed where Bucky lounged on it.

My body started trembling, even though I was doing everything in my power to not show my fear. But Bucky knew, he always knew, and I could tell when he figured it out because a smirk rested on his lips. I took a deep breath, walking over to my closet, maybe if I acted like I wasn't scared of him, he would go and everything could be buried. I didn't want to relive the night, he didn't want to get caught, this could all be done. "What are you here? I think you've driven your point home," I reached up, grabbing an oversized shirt, wincing at the way my body stretched.

Bucky got off the bed, walking over to me, his metal hand on my hip when he reached up and pulled the shirt off it's hanger, "just wanted to make sure my little devil was doing okay." I could hear the taunt in his voice.


"You're right," Bucky moved back to laying on my bed, a lighter appearing in his hand, chuckling when I flinched back, "the cops know it was arson," Bucky kept flicking the lighter on, tears pooling in my eyes when he lowered it to my bed only to bring it up before the sheets could catch fire.

"Please stop," I didn't hide the shake in my voice, tears freely falling down my cheeks, I was so tired of playing this game with Bucky, he wanted Steve so badly that he put my life in danger, he was willing to kill me to get me out of the way. I had my last night with Steve in the hospital, I wasn't going to risk anything anymore, I just wanted to forget the Phantoms, "if they ask I'm not going to say anything," I reached up to wipe the tears away, but they weren't slowing, "I don't want to relive that night, you did it, you made your point clear, I promise. Just let me get through my senior year in peace."

"And your obsession with Rogers?"

"Its buried, six feet under, as far as possible away from me," I stumbled over my words, gripping the edge of my towel when Bucky got back up, a predatory smile on his lips when he prowled towards me. I was cornered in my own room, my safe space wasn't safe anymore. A sharp intake of air was sucked in when a cold metal hand and a warm hand were placed on my shoulders, sliding down the expanse of my arms.

"You sure are a pretty little thing," I looked up at him, glassy eyes and tears rolling down my face, "I see why he was obsessed with you, after he got home from seeing you at the hospital," I was trying to brace myself, I knew Bucky was trying to rip me apart from the inside out, and he was succeeding, he knew it too, "that pretty brunette that graduated with us, who was hanging out with him that night, she showed him what it was like to be with someone fun," he sucked his teeth when I let out a puff of air, "not the little girl who's always been obsessed with him. He doesn't want you Sofia, no one in this town does, Logan's claimed you, accept your spot and stop chasing something you'll never be able to have, someone you don't deserve to have."

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