𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚢 𝚂𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗

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Steve had his arm wrapped tightly around my shoulders when we reached Jade Lake again, lights flashing all around us.

Our names were being chanted, both of us offering sheepish smiles as we crossed the parking lot to his G-Wagon, his sweatshirt doing little to cover our faces. Steve fumbled in his pocket, finding his keys and unlocking the doors when we approached, pulling passenger door open for me. I wasted no time, climbing in and pulling down my sunglasses, trying to hide from the never ending photos being taken.

"Back the fuck up!" Steve was screaming, getting into the drivers side and turning the key in the ignition.

Our parents would drop off our bags later, Steve had a meeting with the Stingrays and his first game of the season was just days away, he would be have practice for the next few days and would spend most of his time at the stadium. I would spend the next few days trying to catch up on work that I missed while also meeting with lawyers to start the transfer of Moor Jewelers over to my possession. Steve's hand landed on my thigh, pulling my attention over to him as he drove through the photographers after a path was cleared.

"You going to be okay for a while at the penthouse baby?" Steve looked over at me, a small smile gracing his beautiful mouth, the same mouth I got to kiss for the rest of our lives, "I gotta get to the stadium, I'm going to have to drop you off, I'll bring some dinner home."

Home, that word sent butterflies to my stomach.

"Yeah, I'll be okay, I'm going to go to my apartment and pick up some clothes and my laptop to do some schoolwork," I leaned back into the seat, Steve's hand squeezing my thigh before returning to the steering wheel, the blur of the lake on the left with the dizzying passing trees to the right, "I think I had a contract emailed to me for stuff with Moor Jewelers, do you want me to wait to go over it with you or do you want me to go over it alone?"

"Wait for me, we can go over it while we eat dinner."

I smiled, curling up into the seat, taking Steve's hand when he offered it. Being so domestic with him was something I had dreamed about, knowing that he was going to come home and we'd have dinner and be newlyweds made that smile grow. Life seemed like a cruel joke, that someone was going to pull the rug out from under me at any time, and I was going to be told that Steve never wanted to be with me, this was just a way for him dangle his win over Logan once more. I watched Jade Lake disappear in his rearview mirror, the skyscrapers of Sunbury City appearing before us. We were no longer on vacation, we were back home, we had responsibilities and threats.

My heart stopped, I forgot about Bucky and Logan.

Steve squeezed my hand like he knew what I was thinking, bringing the back of my palm up to his lips and kissing the skin softly, "send Alexander or someone out to get you a new phone baby," his lips moved against my hand, drawing my attention completely on him, "I don't want you out in public without me right now, but I want to be able to contact you if needed," Steve's G-wagon moved through the streets of Sunbury with ease, our building appearing before us sooner than I would've liked, "promise me Sofia that you won't leave, not until our parents get here, I don't trust them."

Steve's bottom lip jutted out before being sucked in by his teeth once more, the tell tell sign of his stress, "I promise," I smiled, cupping his cheek with my left hand, his head moving to the side to press a kiss to the center of my palm, "I'm just going to go to my apartment and then I'll head up, I promise I'll be there when you get home."

"I love you baby," Steve's hand was on the back of my head, pressing a kiss to my lips softly, "I'll see you later."

"I love you too."

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