𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙽𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗

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Olivia and Violet slipped into the bathroom before Elena locked the door, and it was the first time we had all been together since Phantom's Eve nearly two weeks ago.

"Here," Olivia handed me a shooter of vodka, my shoulders sagging as I took it from her. I couldn't stop the few tears that had broken over my waterline from how hard Logan pinched me, and I knew that I wasn't leaving here tonight without talking to him, "after you take that you need to fill Vi and I in on what the fuck is going on." Olivia playfully scolded as the sound of a breaking seal was heard in the silence of the bathroom, my head tilting back as I slammed the shot, the burn as the alcohol slid down my throat a welcome feeling.

"I walked into my house yesterday morning," I let out a shaky breath, letting Elena wipe away a tear from my cheek before she started dabbing the touch up make up on, "Steve was sitting in my fathers office, they had arranged some deal, I don't even know all of it, I think he's taking over Moor Real Estate so my father can retire," Elenas finger under my chin tilted my head back, "but the only way he would take it was if I married him," I held out my left hand for them to look at the ring. "My father needs to retire, his heart is going out, I want him to be able to enjoy the rest of his life, so if being married to Steve lets that happen then so be it."

"The ring is gorgeous," Violet smiled, squeezing my hand, "it resembled that necklace you stole to get them away from the cops on Phantoms Eve a few years ago."

My heart stopped, pulling my hand back and stepping away from Elena to actually look at the ring I considered a death sentence. Violet was right, the ring held a diamond in the center, rose quartz on either side of the diamond before it rounded into a beautiful silver band. He didn't just buy this ring, it wasn't in any of our collections, no, he had this ring made, Steve had a custom ring made for me to force me into this marriage, yet, it felt special. It felt like he cared.

"And hey," Olivia squeezed my other hand, pulling my attention back to her, "at least its the Rogers you prefer, especially after how Logan's been treating you recently."

My stomach dropped, looking down at my feet. Logan had spent his whole life thinking he was going to marry me, he never let me date, but he was able to, he ruined anything that I started, all because he wanted me. The only person he couldn't get rid of was his brother, and that bothered him the most because Steve has been all I've wanted for years. "You're right," I breathed out, "Steve promised me too that I'm not going to lose my freedoms, he just asks that I get home safe and be loyal, that can't be too hard right?"

Violet smiled, playfully bumping my shoulder, "I know it's not the life you planned, but none of us have planned ours, you broke the mold of your life," a smile crawled across my face as I looked at my friends, "Steve may have done it wrong, but maybe he was actually helping you."

My eyes dropped back down to the ring, the diamond staring back at me, "maybe you're right."

Everyone sucked in a breath when Logan shoved the door in, his icy glare landing on me. "Everyone out," his gaze never left mine, Elena grabbing my hand to tug me with them, "no, Sofia stays."

"You're out of your mind if you think we're leaving her in here with you." Olivia moved to stand in front of me, only to be pushed aside while Logan crossed the room.

I hadn't even realized I was moving away from him until my back hit the cool stall behind me, Logan's hand coming up to my jaw and gripping it, forcing a wince out of me at his grip. "Tell them to leave," he ducked his head down so he was all I saw, "now Sofia."

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