𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢 𝚃𝚠𝚘

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I flinched when I came down from my apartment, flashes from photographers blinding the lobby.

"Sofia," Alexander's voice brought my attention over to his little apartment off the reception desk, "come in here, I've called more security."

I rushed across the tiled floor, my running shoes squeaking as I slipped into the apartment, pulling my hood down and collapsing onto his chair, tears rolling down my cheeks. I was so hung over, the bright lights doing nothing to dull the headache that was pounding between my ears. Alexander didn't say anything, just kneeled down in front of me, his eyes flashed to the ring on my finger before back to my bruised face, gently taking my right hand in his and squeezing. "You're okay in here," his voice made more tears fall down, "if you want to talk about it you can, if you want to order food here we can, it's up to you. I don't know why the media circus is out there, but you don't have to do anything you don't want to."

If only. "I wish that were the case."

I reached into my hoodie pocket pulling my phone out, scrolling through my contact list until I landed on the head of security for Moor Real Estate, my thumb pressing down on the number before I held it up to my ear. The ringing seemed to go on forever, Alexander kept his hand in mine, gently rubbing the back of my palm while his forehead pressed against my knees. "Miss Moor," Ralph's voice filled my ear, a breath of relief leaving my lips, "how can I help you?"

"How close are you to Sunbury City?"

"I'm in the city, at the office, need help?"

"Yes," I held the phone between my shoulder and ear, using my left hand to wipe the tears, "can you escort a friend and I to his car, please."

"Are you sure you want to been seen with another man right now Sofia, your engagement just went public, it'll start unnecessary tabloid drama."

My stomach sank, because deep down I knew Ralph was right, but I needed out of this building, away from Logan, away from Steve, away from the media circus that was waiting for a view of Steve and I for the first time since our engagement. They wanted to see what we did when we were at home, what we wore when we ran errands, we were about to be plastered on news sites for weeks to come. "Just, please come, I'll distract the media long enough, his name is Alexander, get him out the backdoor and I'll join after I give them what they want, please Ralph, I need a break."

I heard his sigh before the tell tell sound of car keys being picked up rattled my eardrums. "I'll be there soon, tell him to wait by the backdoor."

"Thank you."

I didn't wait to hear Ralph reply, hanging up the phone before looking down at Alexander, his eyes holding mine with a silent question resting in them. "I'll explain everything at the coffee house," I explained softly, pushing my knees up to get him to move back before I was standing up, "I need you to wait by the back door, Ralph will be here in a few minutes to get you out unnoticed, I have to go distract the media, I'm the story they're looking for anyway."

I opened the door, ignoring the yells and the flashing lights as I crossed the lobby to Steve's private elevator, pulling the key card free from my leggings and scanned it, while nervously waiting for the box to slide down. I looked over my shoulder as Alexander pulled up his hood, walking out of his apartment and going towards the back door, sending me a warm smile. When the ding of the elevator sounded, I stepped in, pressing the up button and trying to ignore the nausea that formed in my stomach. I knew Logan was still up there, I knew he was still going to want to see me, talk to me. But I'm not sure I could ever forgive him, I wore the evidence of his anger on my jaw, ugly purple and blue splotches were hiding behind carefully placed concealer, and even with that, they were noticeable.

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