𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚢 𝚂𝚒𝚡

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"So let me get this straight," a pregnant pause from Curtis as he fumbled with trying to secure his tie, "you guys were asleep and four men broke into the room to get Sofia? And Logan and Bucky hired them?"

I was running my fingers through my hair, using gel to slick down spots and spike up others, our parents decided that after our narrow escape from whoever came after us that we would push the wedding up and head home where we had more guards and a better security team to figure out what was happening and how we could keep Sofia safe. No one put up a fight, I was ready to be home and I think Sofia was as well. So now I stood in Mickey's room, twenty minutes away from marrying the girl of my dreams, and my stomach was in knots but I couldn't wait. "Yeah," I shrugged, flattening the tie down on my chest, "this is the third time Bucky's made me almost lose her, and I still don't understand why he hates her so much."

Mickey came up to me, his golden pinky ring glinting in the sunlight that was shining through the skylight, he flattened out the folds in my jacket before grabbing my shoulder, "what matters is you're marrying Sofia Moor, the girl you've wanted for years," I let out a small laugh, dropping my head, "that's the only thing that matters today." Curtis grunted his agreement, and I smiled wider. Sofia and I had found a family in our friends, and even though I always imagined Bucky being beside me on my wedding day, I was content with the two men I grew up with who had my back completely.

A knock on the door sounded, thirty seconds passed before my mother stepped in, a mint green floral dress with white gold jewelry accents. She matched the theme perfectly.

"She looks gorgeous," my mother walked over to me, her hand on my arm when she leaned up to press a kiss to my cheek, "she's going to blow you away when you see her."

"She's not hurt is she?" I didn't really get to look over her when we got back, her parents were crying when they engulfed her into a hug and guided her away after we made the decision to push the wedding up to this afternoon.

"No son," Curtis moved from the barstool so that my mother could sit down, twisting so she was facing me, Mickey and Curtis settling on the small couch in the room, "you saved her from any sort of pain that could've been caused. She has a few minor scrapes on her feet, but other than that she's completely fine. Not even shaken up, she told her mother that she would've frozen if it weren't for you." I smiled, moving to my mother and hugging her, feeling her melt into my embrace. It had been so long since I had shown affection towards her.

"I know I'm not the one you wanted to marry her," I whispered, her fingers moving against the nape of my neck, stroking it like she did when I was a child, "but I promise you I love her more than anything in the world, I always have."

"I know son," she pressed her cheek to my temple, my eyes closing at the comforting touch, "and that's all that matters to me."

The front door opened again when I pulled away from my mother, Elena walking in wearing a sage green dress, Sofia was obsessed with all shades of green. Mickey muttered a curse under his breath and I huffed out a laugh, only stopping when Elena approached me, sticking her hand out. "Are you ready to see her?" My heart started racing, turning to look at my mother who looped her arm through mine, the lump in my throat forcefully being swallowed to be able to speak. "She's ready for you. Close your eyes and I'll lead you to her."

"Yeah," I let Elena take my hand, my eyes falling shut. My whole life I wanted to know what Sofia would look like on her wedding day and I was about to know. And she was about to be mine forever.

The warm air surrounded me as Elena and my mother guided me down the stairs and into the parking lot. It felt like we were walking forever before my shoes sunk into the sand, my excitement picking up. I was no longer going to hide how much I loved Sofia, it didn't matter to me that every magazine was here to capture these moments, to me it meant everyone knew she was off limits, and she was forever going to be mine, let the world fucking hear it. Elena and my mother guided me so my back was facing wherever we came from, both departing from my side with a promise she'd be here, soon. I never understood the first look thing, but being away from Sofia for the six hours I have been felt like years and I couldn't wait to see her again.

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