𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚢 𝚃𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎

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𝚃𝚠𝚘 𝚈𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚜 𝙰𝚐𝚘


It didn't take long for me to realize I was the entertainment for tonights Phantom's Eve.

Mumurs had surrounded me, whispers of are they really going to do this to Sofia Moor, her dad will kill them. I wasn't nervous to get away from the Phantoms, I had outsmarted the two extremely ruthless ones, but I hadn't gone up against Steve or Mickey. And that made me nervous.

"The rules are simple," Steve was explaining to me in front of everyone, "you have a ten minute head start, run and hide, your goal to outsmart us, no ones done it before," a sinister smile crossed Steve's lips and my eyes closed loving the way adrenaline shot up my spine and throughout my body, "good luck little devil, your time starts now."

The crowd parted as I stepped off the stairs, walking towards the entrance of the forest, it was more sinister at night. During the day it looked somewhat easy to maneuver, while staying dark, sunlight peaked through the leaves and illuminated a path, but with the onyx sky overhead, I could barely see in front of me. It dawned on me, they wanted me comfortable so I wouldn't fear them, but in the cover of night where I couldn't see five steps in front of me, I was vulnerable. I was weak. I was the prey that they desired.

I took off in a run, the crowd cheering as I slid under the brush, ignoring the way sticks dug into my skin, I should've kept Bucky's sweatshirt on.

When I was able to stand upright again, I leaned against a tree, calming my breathing and trying to navigate the forest. Logan and I had been in these hills so many times, Steve would just bring us up here when their mom forced the Phantoms to bring us places. We would spend hours in the woods, when we were kids we'd play adventurer, but as teenagers we learned that we could climb trees to get the vantage points, to see who was coming and going.

I stopped short of the tree that Logan and I hide in, looking over my shoulder when I heard the yells of the teens that worship the four boys, a smile crossing my lips.

It was time for the prey to become the predator.

I walked around the trunk, crouching down so they wouldn't be able to see me. It takes minutes for your eyes to adjust to the dark, with me being submerged I had the upper hand. I was tired of them thinking they could just push me around, kiss my ass when they wanted me to do something only to disappear when they were bored of me. It was time to show them I'm not on the sidelines anymore, I'm on the fucking playing field with them.

It didn't take long for the footsteps to disperse, disappearing around the clearing I was hiding in.

"Little devil," I tried to not let my breath hitch at the voice, "come play."

Of course Bucky would be the one to start, he liked to see me cower before I tried to pull myself together and take on the other three. He liked to be the first, my first tears, my first win, my first defeat. He wanted the first. Bucky got off on me being terrified of him, I was almost sure of it. But I was not folding in on myself, false confidence was still confidence. If I could get around him in the tunnels, there's no reason I couldn't escape him now. I had the advantage. I knew these woods like the back of my hand.

"You don't scare me," I kept myself crouched, moving slowly so I could rest on my knees and see Bucky, his body rigid as he tried to track my voice.

"Are you sure about that little devil?" He crossed his arms, his chest puffing out as he scanned the tree line for my silhouette. "Remember to watch what you say, it's being live streamed."

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