𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢 𝙴𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝

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Class had ended and my friends had exited the classroom.

I just stayed for a moment, I needed to breath. My life was a whirlwind and I was tired. I was tired of playing everyones games, and being moved about on a chessboard. I've said it before, but I never really put up a fight with it, I complained and complained, but I never put a stop to it. I never really fought it. I was so desperate for Steve or Logan to give me an identity I didn't know who I was.

I was always theirs, never my own person.

Logan going missing tore a hole into my heart, and I was bleeding out. But I had no where to hide because Steve was there manipulating my feelings, Elena would tell me it's just the world we live in, and Julianna was hurting in her own right. And I was still the key piece to this game everyone was playing.

I just wanted off the board, I wanted out. The ring on my finger just solidified my life in this world and I didn't feel right just giving myself over to anyone anymore. I deserved apologies, I deserved change, I deserved pure love.

"Hey," Alexander sat down next to me, pulling me from the war in my brain, "you alright? You looked a little lost there."

Everyone was making me feel like I had to hate Alexander, but what if he was just a genuine person? What if he was the wake up call that I was waiting on. His words from the cafe had been on repeat for days in my head.

"No," I laughed dryly, leaning back in the seat, "but I don't remember a time I was alright."

"Wanna talk about it?" Alexander threw his arm over the back of my chair, his thumb pressing into my shoulder gently, "I promise I won't tell you that you can't have your emotions this time."

A breathless laugh was pushed out of my lips, eyes finally closing to let out a few tears that I had buried away, that I shoved down to keep away from showing my weakness. But it was okay to be weak, especially when you weren't surrounded by the people who preyed on you being so. "I just want off the game board," I pulled the ring off my finger, "I want to stop being a game piece and not a human, I want to actually fall in love, not be forced into it, I want my tormentor to stop feeling like my savior, I want my best friend back, I want a life," I was fully crying now, Alexander pulling me into his side just rubbing my arm, "I don't even care about the fairytale endings anymore, I want to feel safe in my home, I want my heart broken because then I know I can love. I just want to be a person."

Alexander sat and listened to every word, never making a comment, just rubbing my shoulder as we sat in the empty classroom, a biology classroom no less. I didn't even focus on what the professor was saying today because my mind was racing. I needed a break or I was going to shut down.

"If you could go anywhere in the world right now, just for a break, where would you go?"

The question caught me off guard, turning to look at Alexander, his free hand coming up to wipe away the tears that were rolling down my cheeks, "what?"

"Where would you want to go?"

"Greece," I whispered, still not figuring out his reasoning behind such a wild question.

"Got a passport?"

I nodded, I always carried it in my backpack.

"Great, I have two tickets," when did he get his phone out? "Let's go."

"But, Steve-"

"Sofia, at some point you have to let go of this, if you want Steve to change, to love you like you want, you have to make him work for it, you're easy for him," Alexander pushed some hair behind my ear, "you fold into him every time he comes back, I've barely known you and I see how you give in to him. Sure he's protected you a few times, but how many times has he been the person to hurt you?"

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