𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚂𝚒𝚡

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𝚃𝚠𝚘 𝚈𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚜 𝚊𝚐𝚘



I knew I fucked up the second my hand brushed against the outside of her thigh.

She gave no indication she felt my hand, but I know she did, the rosy tint of her cheeks giving it away. "I still don't understand," she stated softly as I wrapped her arms around my neck to lift her out of the lifted car, she was good at covering her small gasp with a cough when my hands slipped around her waist. She was more than capable of getting out of the car on her own, but I truly just wanted an excuse to keep touching her soft skin. Her shirt had come untucked form her skirt, warm skin meeting my palms as I put her on her feet. Sofia Moore was a temptation I couldn't have, and with each touch it was becoming harder to remember that. "Why do my hands have to be tied together?"

"Stop asking questions Fia," my hands slid along the underside of her arms, lifting them over my head, "I can put you back in the car and let Logan come get you."

Her mouth snapped shut and she presented her wrists to me when I opened my hand.

"There's my good girl," my fingers curled around the silk tie around her wrists, tugging her so she stumbled into my chest, "are you going to fight me every chance you get little devil," her breath halted as my lips moved just centimeters above hers, she was so close, she smelled so good, just a centimeter forward and I could finally have her, "or are you going to do as I say."

Emerald eyes fall shut as she dug her nails into her palm, "I'll do as you say, I'm sorry Steve."

I knew my friends were watching us, I could feel their stares burning into the back of my head. Sofia had always seen me as a god, someone she was drawn to because she knew she couldn't have, and that drove Bucky, Curtis, and Mickey mad. They were the ones that girls tripped over their feet to get to, a flirty smile was always on their lips. But Sofia never looked twice at them, if we were in the same room, her eyes were on me. It was the one thing I held over my friends, that sweet little Sofia Moore wanted me, while they all wanted her.

My hand curled around her hip, soft skin warming my palm, I couldn't stop touching her. Without Logan around her attention was all on me again, Logan wasn't in her ear trying to usher her away from us. A forceful breath was pulled into her lungs, when I stepped back, green eyes fluttering open to greet me with the sweetest smile I had ever seen. She was going to send me to my knees, I knew it was going to happen, I just had no idea when.

"Rogers," Curtis' voice cut through the air, it was only then that I realized that all the eyes had fallen on Sofia, everyone was shocked to see the angel in the targets of demons, "it's time."

I watched Sofia's chest rise and fall rapidly as a grin covered my face, "Welcome to Saint Michaels little devil," I tugged tie between her wrists, pulling her towards the building, a gasp left her lips when she tripped over her feet, stumbling to keep up with the fast pace. The gravel crunched below us, broken asphalt pieces being dodged as she moved quickly behind me. Sofia's body heat soon appeared behind me, her hands closing around my wrist as I pushed open the door to the condemned building.

"Steve," her voice was so quiet against the loud laughs and music blasting through the speakers, "everyone is looking at me."

Sofia wasn't lying, everyone had their eyes on the sweet girl clinging to me like her life depended on it. A girl who had always sunk away to not be noticed by everyone was suddenly the center of attention. And I fucking loved it, I loved that it made her uncomfortable and she was holding onto me for security. She was trusting me the same way she trusted Logan, and now I knew how he felt. Sofia Moor gave me a god complex, she saw me as a savior not a destroyer.

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