𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚎𝚗

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𝚃𝚠𝚘 𝚈𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚜 𝙰𝚐𝚘


"She was so fucking scared," Bucky laughed as he pulled his mask off, leaning against the exit stairs with me, "this was your best idea yet Rogers."

I thought it was too, until I heard her chilling scream and the cruel laughs of two of my friends. Only then did I search for Mickey and tell him to take it down a notch with Sofia, her screams were getting to me. I didn't want her terrified of me forever. "Yeah," I let out a breathless laugh, "it's definitely one of my best."

"Oh don't start feeling bad," Bucky grumbled, crossing his arms, "she's Sofia, nothing you can do will make her hate you."

I went to reply, a sharp retort on the tip of my tongue before Curtis appeared in front of us, both Bucky and I barking out a laugh. He was covered in mud, his white shirt stained with hand prints, face caked in it, his blue eyes barely visible. "God damn," Bucky laughed, leaning back against the stone wall, his metal hand hitting it as he howled in laughter, "she kicked your ass."

"I'm sorry, shall we lift your shirt and see the fucking cuts from when she shoved you into the wall."

I had to bite my lip to stop the howling laugh that wanted to escape my lips. I knew Sofia had some fight in her, I could see it when she wanted to defy my brother, but knowing she actually was able to overpower two of the strongest people I knew made a smile crawl across my face. Little Sofia wasn't so weak after all. "I don't know," I shrugged, faking nonchalance when all I wanted to do was laugh in the face of my two friends who doubted her, "sounds like to me neither of you want to admit you got your asses beat by her."

"Getting our asses beat seems like a bit of a stretch." Bucky mumbled.

"I'll own up to it," Curtis shrugged, running his fingers through his beard and shaking out the mud, "she caught me off guard, the girl knows she's hot and uses it to her advantage."

That made my spine straighten, eyes immediately narrowing on Curtis. "I gave you guys rules."

"And we followed them," Bucky shrugged, "so what if hands got placed on her body by accident."

"I swear to God," a harsh breath left my lips, my heart beating against my chest, it felt like the muscle was going to burst through my ribcage, it was the same feeling I got from hitting a home run and hearing the stands erupt in cheers, except instead of excitement, dread was pulling through my veins, "if she's hurt at all I will kill you both before my mom kills me."

"Relax," Curtis wiped the dirt from his shirt and in the dim light I could make out the small shape of Sofia's palms, "she didn't get hurt from me, in fact she threatened me with her daddies money," Curtis threw air quotes around the words daddies money, a playful smirk on his face, "gotta say, I'm impressed with the fact sweet little Fia had it in her. She's usually so docile."

"Doesn't matter if we justify ourselves or not, Steve will crumble if Sofia even sheds a tear," Bucky pushed off the wall when one of Sofia's screams echoed down the hallways, and even he paused, it was eerie to hear in the empty tunnels beneath the church, "if it came down to it Steve, who would you defend? Your best friends who have had your back? Or the little angel you want to destroy?"

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