7. Do you trust me?

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In Lotor's lab. Kova is running on a gear in a bizarre contraption. At the top of the contraption is a storm brewing.

"With all due respect, your rottenness, couldn't we just wait for a real storm?" Kova asked huffing and puffing.

"Save your breath, Kova. Faster!" Lotor tells her as he places the sultan's ring in the contraption.

"Yes, o mighty evil one." She runs faster. A lightning bolt streaks through the ring, passing into an hourglass below. The sands begin to swirl.

"Ah, sands of time--reveal to me the one who can enter the cave."  The sand on top forms the Cave of Voltron. It falls through into a storm, but it shows Lance climbing up a ladder, followed by Keith who is covered in his cloak. "Yes, yes! There he is. My diamond in the rough!"

"That's him?!?! That's the clown we've been waitin' for?" Kova loses her footing and is sucked into the gears.

"Let's have the guards extend him an invitation to the palace, shall we?" Kova goes flying past and slams into the wall upside down.

"Swell." Lotor laughs hideously.


 "Almost there," Lance says as he pulls Keith up. Keith climbs over the top but trips and falls into Lance's arms. Lance helps him stand up. Keith becomes embarrassed and turns away.

"I want to thank you for stopping that, man."

"Uh, forget it," he says grabbing a pole. "So, uh, this is your first time in the marketplace, huh?" Lance pole vaults to the next building, leaving Keith behind.

"Is it that obvious?" 

"Well, you do kinda stand out." He stares at him, still in love. Keith returns the look, but Lance realizes what he is doing, and returns to normal. "I mean, uh, you don't seem to know how dangerous Daibazaal can be." He lay's a plank between the buildings for Keith to walk over, but as he is leaned down, Keith vaults over his head. Lance looks back in surprise. Both Lance's and Kalt's eyes bulge.

"I'm a fast learner," Keith says as he tosses the pole to Lance. Lance gets his composure, giving the pole to Kalt then walking up to Keith. "Right. C'mon, this way." He grabs Keith's hand. Leading him in. They go inside the roof of a building, dodging planks and beams as they go. "Whoa. Watch your head there. Be careful." 

"Is this where you live?" Keith's asks. "Yep. Just me and Kalt. Well sort of." Lance added remembering the little kids he adopted into his home. "Come and go as we please."

"The sounds fabulous." Lance leads him to the curtain. "Well, it's not much," he pulls back the curtain and exposes the palace, "but it's got a great view. Palace looks pretty amazing, huh?"

"Oh, it's wonderful," Keith said not amazed as he turned away. "I wonder what it would be like to live there, to have servants and valets..."

"Oh, sure. People who tell you where to go and how to dress."

"It's better than here. Always scraping for food and ducking the guards." It'll be a home, safe and sound to Lance with the kids.

"You're not free to make your own choices."

"Sometimes you feel so--"

"You're just--"

"--trapped." They said in unison. They look at each other, realizing that they're perfect for one another. But Lance then realizes where he is and breaks the look again. He takes the apple out of Kalt's hand and rolls it down his arm into the hand of Keith's.

"So, where're you from?"

"What does it matter? I ran away, and I am not going back."

"Really?" Lance takes a bite from the apple in his hand, then hands it to Kalt, who has a disgusted look on her face. "Why you!" Kalt drops the apple then head to them as Lance walks over and sits next to Keith. "My brother's forcing me to get married."

"That's--that's awful." Kalt appears from behind the prince and tries to steal the apple. "Kalt!" Kalt races up to a higher point, chattering and cursing as she goes at Lance.


"Kalt says that--uh--that's not fair."

"What?" she asks confused.

"Oh did she?"

"Yeah, of course."

"And does Kalt have anything else to say?"

"Well, uh, he wishes there was something he could do to help," Lance says going closer to Keith.

"Oh, boy!"

"Hmm, tell her that's very sweet." Keith goes closer as well. Lance leans in to kiss him, but is interrupted, however, by the Guards, who have found them.

"Here you are!"

"They've found me!" They say to each other. "They're after you?"

"My brother must have sent them--"

"Do you trust me?" Keith turns to Lance who is on the edge.


"Do you trust me?" Lance says, extending his hand to Keith.

"Yes." He takes it.

"Then jump!" They both jump off the roof, fall and land in a pile of salt. They try to get away, but the exit is blocked by a guard.

"We just keep running into each other, don't we, street rat?" Acxa says grabbing on to him. Again, the guard's turban is pulled down by Kalt. Lance frees himself, grabbing Keith's hand to run but more guards are here and block the exit. 

"Run! Go! get out of here!" Acxa pulls Kalt off her head and throws her in a vase. Three other guards grab Lance. "It's the dungeon for you, boy."

"Hey, get off of me!"

"Let go of him," Keith says grabbing her. Axca turns to him not knowing he was the prince.

"Look what we have here, men--a street mouse." She throws him down, making Keith lose his footing. Keith stands up and pulls off the hood of his cloak. 

"Unhand him, by order of the prince." The guards suddenly stop and bow, forcing Lance to bow as well. "Prince Keith." 

"The prince?" Kalt peeking out from the vase. "The prince?"

"What are you doing outside the palace? And with this street rat?" Keith was already mad. 

"That's not your concern. Do as I command. Release him!"

"Well, I would, prince, but my orders come from Lotor. You'll have to take it up with him." The guards drag Lance out, bowing as they go. Now Keith was very pissed.

"Believe me, I will." Keith rushes back into the palace. Lotor is emerging from his secret chambers. "Lotor?" He slides the door shut carefully, but the prince comes storming in before he is finished. He slams it shut, pinning Kova inside the door frame.

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