5. The Ring

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"Keith acts more and more like mom," Shiro says chuckling. Shiro would always try to look on the bright side. All he wanted was Keith to be safe. He already lost so much. And Keith had to go through it as well. Shiro looks at the display of the kingdom till he sees a shadow on the wall. He turns seeing Lotor. He smiled at him. "It's just you Lotor, my trusted advisor. What brings you here? Did she arrive yet?"

"No, she has not yet," Lotor tells him. Shiro sighs. "What is wrong my Sultan?"

"It's Keith again. He just keeps refusing to choose a husband. I'm at my wit's-end." Shiro was frustrated. He knew this would happen, which is why he did it a year earlier. A month after Keith's birthday and still found nobody for him. He hated that Keith had to go through it, but it is the rules for him to take over.

"Awk! Wit's-end." Kova squawked. Shiro chuckled as he pulled out a cracker. He liked to mess with the dark colored bird.  

"Have a cracker, pretty polly!" He said placing it in front of the bird. Kova hated it, but she must obey. She ate the cracker from his hands letting the men chuckle. 

"Your majesty certainly has a way with dumb animals." This causes Kova to glare at her master. She did not agree with her being called dumb. She was pretty intelligent. "Now then, maybe I can divine a solution to this thorny problem of yours.

"Anything would help Lotor. What do you suggest?"

"O, but it would require the use of the mystic purple diamond," Lotor said holding Shiro's hand that held the purple ring in his finger.

"Excuse me Lotor. You know this ring has been in the family for many years. I'm sorry but I cann-"

"It is necessary to find the prince a suitor," Lotor said placing his staff with a cobra head towards Shiro. The eyes of the staff begin to glow blood red. The room darkens around them, Lotor voice slows down and deepens as he hypnotizes Shiro. Shiro's gets lost in them. "Don't worry. Everything will be fine," Lotor continues. 

"Everything...will be...fine..." Shiro repeats.

"The diamond." 

"Here, Lotor. Whatever you need will be fine," Shiro says as he removes his ring and hands it to him. The room returns back to normal as Lotor pulls back the staff just in time. 

"Shiro. Princess Allura has arrived," Matt said entering the room. 

"Go my liege. I will be fine," Lotor says as he taps his staff. Shiro shakes his head confused.

"Shiro?" Matt calls again. 


"Princess Allura.... She's here..." Matt repeats.

"O sorry. Matt, can you and Pidge bring Keith and Kosmo's food in the garden," Shiro asks him. Matt nods as he leaves. Shiro leaves the room as well to meet up with the Princess. Lotor smiles as he walks into the hall to pull on a rope which reveals a secret entrance to his chambers. Kova makes a disgusted face spitting the taste of the crackers. 

"Those crackers are highly disgusting! I do not see why you make me eat such a thing from him!" Kova yells furiously.

"Calm yourself, Kova. Just deal with it a little while longer. Soon, I will be sultan, not that addlepated twit."

"Then I can stuff those crackers down his throat! Ha ha!" Kova yells, smiling devilishly as Lotor passes through a door and slams it shut behind to begin his potion. 

As time went on. Hour by hour. Keith had enough. He grabbed a disguise and pulled the hood over. He hurried through the garden not to be caught. As he makes it to the garden he looks around. He finds a tree tall enough for him to reach the top. He begins to climb it but feels something tug him back. He looks down to see his wolf.

"I'm sorry, Kosmo. But I can't stay here and have my life lived for me. I'll miss you," Keith says as he hugs him. "Wish you had some magical power to take us both like teleporting." This made Keith chuckle, but the smile soon turned to a frown. 

"Bad prince." This startled Keith. He looks up seeing his handmaiden and friend, Pidge. "You know it's bad to sneak out in castle walls."

"Come on pidge. Do this one for me please," Keith begged. She smiles giving a nod. She turns, "I'll cover for you as much as I can but when Shiro ask I'm telling the truth. Also bring me a souvenir while you're at it, okay? If you come back that is."

"Thank you Pidge." She walks away like she didn't see anything. He begins to climb again, and is helped up by Kosmo, who begins to whine and whimper for Keith. "Goodbye!" Keith yells loud enough for Kosmo to hear. Keith jumps over not seeing Kosmo anymore and continues to walk the streets.

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