15. Attempted to Kill

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After the night has passed. Maybe he should listen to Hunk. "When the time is right, I will tell him," Lance tells Kalt who was sitting on his shoulder as her monkey self. Suddenly 2 guards pop in front of him. "Morning."

"Morning." Lance turns seeing her again.

"Not again." Kalt watches the guards take away Lance. Kalt rushes back to the room to grab the lamp. The guards tie down Lance to a chair on the very edge where there is water down below.

"Please, please, I... Ladies. I-I think there's been some sort of confusion. I don't think you know who I am." 

"Oh, no, no. I know who you are. Lance."


"Lance," Kova repeated.

"I don't know who that is. I-I'm Prince Lau..." 

"Street rat." 

"Of-Of Lababwah." 

"A prince from a kingdom that doesn't exist. Who now possesses a magic carpet from the Cave of Voltron. Seems to me, the only way that's possible,"

"Where's your monkey?" Kova repeats.

"As if you found a certain treasure. My treasure. Where's the lamp?" 

"This clearly, is some sort of misunderstanding. I'm Prince Lau. 

"If I throw you off of that balcony, and you are who you say you are, you will die a watery death. If you survive, it can only be because of the lamp. In which case, I will have my answer. For the last time... Where is the lamp?" Lotor asks one last time having the edge of his staff on Lance's chest.

"Listen to me. I don't know who you think I am."

"- Goodbye, Lance." Lotor cuts him off and pushes him back.

"- No! No!" Lance falls into the water sinking to the very bottom. Kalt just arrives as Lance hits the water. Lance struggles to get free. Hovering over where Lance just fell. Kalt throws the lamp into the water hoping it make it to him. Lance looks above seeing the lamp. He tries his best to swim to it and rub it. But he loses strength every time. He starts to pass out, but luckily his fingers just barley touch the lamp which summons Hunk. Hunk pops out the lamp very confused why he was under water till he turns to see Lance.

"Lance!" he goes to grab him. "Okay. I can't get you out of this unless you make a wish. You have to make a wish! Come on, wake up! Okay, try and form the words. "I wish." Lance, come on, wake up! Wake up. You need to think. Think, think. Think. Okay. Okay. A little gray area here, but it's worth a try. I, Lance, being of sound body and mind, declare that my second wish is to be saved from certain doom. I took the liberty to backdate that a day. I hope you don't mind. Yes! Here we go!" Hunk carries him out and teleports into the room. 

"Come on! Come on, Lance! Lance! Lance, please. Come on. Wake up. Wake up, wake up. Lance! Wake up, please." Lance wakes up, couching up the water he just had in.

"Ew. Probably coulda done that the other direction though. How you doin'?" 

"Thanks, Hunk." 

"Hey, no problem, uh, I was in the neighborhood. Lance.... It cost you a wish," still baffled and worried. Lance shook his head.

"Whatever it cost. You saved my life." 

"Yeah, that's true. I mean, strictly speaking though, it was a team effort." They look to the side seeing Kalt and Carpet.

"Thank you. We have to stop Lotor."

"That's not gonna be easy. The Sultan trusts him completely. He has everybody fooled." Lance thinks back to Keith.

"Maybe not everyone. Let's hurry before it's too late." Hunk dries him up and they rush off to Keith. They see him in the main room.


"Lau?" Keith turns to see Lau and Hunk. 

"O Keith, I didn't know you moved so quickly," Pidge grinned.


"Keith, I have to tell you something." Keith hears the serious of his voice. Lance explains about what Lotor has done to him. Keith was mad and worried and wanted to help. Hearing the steps come close. Pidge pulls Lau and Hunk to the side as Keith pretends everything was fine.

"I overheard Prince Lau talking to his advisor about returning with an army to conquer Daibazaal." 

"What?" Shiro said shock.

"Now it appears he's fled in the night." 

"Keith." Keith turns to the two. 

"You heard him say this, Lotor? And you saw him leave?" 


"Yes. With my own ears and my own eyes. So, what's the problem now, Prince?"

"This is the problem, Lotor. If what you say is true, why is Prince Lau still here?" Keith say walking to them. 

"Your Majesty."

"Prince Lau. This is a surprise."

"Your Highness, your advisor's not who he says he is." 

"Oh. I'm not who I say I am." 

"Shiro, he tried to kill Prince Lau." 

"Lotor, can you explain this to me?" 

"Yes. My Sultan... You know my loyalty belongs to you."

"Your loyalty. Your loyalty." 

"Yes. Prince Lau, you invited yourself into our city. And we welcomed you as our guest. But I believe your intentions are... deceitful." Keith couldn't believe what he was hearing. "You are a grave danger to Daibazaal, and you shall be dealt with as such."

"Shiro, what are you saying?" 

"Enough, Keith! Lotor told me of Prince Lau's ambition." Lance notices Lotor staff facing the sultan. And it wasn't the first time he seen it like that. "He's here for my throne. Axca!" Lance runs and grabs Lotor's staff, smashing it to the ground. Smoke comes from the staff. Shiro wobbles a bit regaining his balance.


"What happened?" Shiro asks, holding his head.

"He had you under a spell." 

"He's not to be trusted. Your Majesty." Lotor was already making his way to the exit.

"He wants your throne." 

"Lotor, you were my most trusted advisor! Axca! Put him in the dungeon!" Axca, Narti, and Ezor take Lotor to the dungeon.

"You should think about how quickly the sands of power shift in the storm, Axca." 

"I am loyal to my sultan. As you should have been. The law is the law." The group leaves Lotor. Kova arrives with the keys in her mouth. Lotor smiles.

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