13. Prince Lau

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"Make way for Prince Lau! Say hey! It's Prince Lau!"

"Hey, clear the way in the old bazaar, Hey you, let us through, it's a bright new star, Now come, be the first on your block to meet his eye! Make way, here he comes, Ring bells, bang the drums. You're gonna love this guy," Hunk sang as Lance makes his entrance. "Prince Lau, fabulous he, Lau Lababwa! Genuflect, show some respect Down on one knee!" Kalt the elephant marches through town, with Lance Aka Lau on her back. "Now try your best to stay calm Brush up your Sunday Salaam And come and meet his spectacular coterie." Kova is dancing to the music until Lotor glares at her. Hunk, dress as the major, "wheelbarrows" six men up onto Kalt's trunk. They stand on each other's shoulders as Lance shakes hands. "Prince Lau, mighty is he, Lau Lababwa! Strong as ten regular men, definitely." The pile collapses on Lance, but a Genie brand lightning bolt zaps the pile, and he ends up holding them all up in an acrobatic wheel formation. "He faced the galloping hordes. A hundred bad guys with swords, who sent those goons to their lords, why Prince Lau!" The Genie turns into an old man, then a child and speaks the last two lines to the crowd.

"He's got seventy-five golden camels!" The men sang.

"Purple peacocks, he's got fifty-three!" The women sang. Hunk continued on.

"When it comes to exotic type mammals"

"Has he got a zoo, I'm telling you It's a world class menagerie!"

Hunk get on the balcony, where three harem girls are joined by him. Hunk in counterpoint sang, "Prince Lau, Handsome is he, Lau Lababwa! There's no question this Lau's alluring! That physique, how can I speak! Never ordinary, never boring! Weak at the knee Everything about the man just plain impresses Well, get on out in that square He's a wonder, he's a whiz, a wonder Adjust your veil and prepare!" Lance blows a kiss to the harem ladies not knowing Keith was watching from the balcony of the palace. Keith humph it off then leaves. "He's about to pull my heart asunder to gawk and grovel and stare at Prince Lau! And I absolutely love the way he dresses!

"He's got ninety-five white Persian monkeys! And to view them, he charges no fee!" Lance throws coins to the crowd. 

 "He's generous, so generous." 

"He's got slaves, he's got servants and flunkies!"

"Proud to work for him."

"They bow to his whim, love serving him They're just lousy with loyalty to Lau! Prince Lau!" Kalt and the parade march up the steps of the palace and inside. The Sultan runs back inside to the door to the throne room, but Lotor stands in front of the door. Suddenly, it bursts open, with Kalt leading the way, and crushing Lotor and Kova behind the door.

"Prince Lau! Amorous he! Lan Lababwa heard your prince was a sight lovely to see! And that, good people, is why. He got dolled up and dropped by with sixty elephants, llamas galore with his bears and lions A brass band and more with his forty fakirs, his cooks, his bakers His birds that warble on key Make way for Prince Lau!" More and more fanfare builds up until Lance flies off Kalt's back on magic Carpet and flies down to the Sultan. Lotor slams the door shut. Shiro was very impressed. Skeptical but impressed. Matt walks in from the chaos and curiosity. He stood to the side to watch the new prince that arrived.

"It's a pleasure to welcome you to Daibazaal, Prince Lau."

"You as well your um Majesty. Ahem. Your majesty, I have journeyed from afar to seek your brother's hand," Lance said in a deeper voice. Hank stood next to him as support. 

"I'm afraid I'm unfamiliar with Labooboo."

"-Lababwa!" Lance cut in.

"Well, it's north."

"-It's south." The two looked at each other. Lance continued. "Uh, we have a north and a south."

"It's near, if you were to go, it..."

"Around there, you can find it, if you just look."

"The world is changing quickly, Lotor. It seems as if there is a new country everyday."

"Tell him we have gifts," Hunk whispers.

"Yes! I mean we have things I mean gifts!" Hunk claps his hands, and the doors open behind them. 

"We have many gifts. Gold and jewels. And that!"

"And what do you plan to buy with these gifts?" Pidge asks as she walks in hearing the gift's part.

"Him." Lance answered. He quickly fixed his answer. "I mean a moment with him!"

"Are you suggesting he is for sale?" Pidge asks again. She know's Keith's personality enough that if he was here, he would shoot these questions as well.

"Of course," Lance said dumbly. "not! No, of course not! No!" Not in years has Hank been so embarrassed. Before when he was young, he was shy, but he matured enough to get the hang of all this.

"Prince Lau, this is Katie, Prince Keith's handmaiden. This is Matt our planner, and this is this is my royal vizier, Lotor. He's delighted too."

"You cannot just parade in here uninvited and expect to--"

"Lotor." Shiro warned. "If we're lucky, you won't have to marry Keith after all," he whispered to him. Lotor leans to Shiro as well.

"I don't trust him, sire," Lotor whispers.

"Nonsense. One thing I pride myself on Lotor, I'm an excellent judge of character." Keith walks in quietly to hear the commotion.

"Keith will like this one!"

"And I'm pretty sure I'll like Prince Keith!" Lance said being his cocky self. Pidge was ready in intervene when Lotor already did.

"Your highness, no. I must intercede on Keith's behalf."  Keith hears this and gets mad. "This boy is no different than the others. What makes him think he is worthy of the prince?"

"Your majesty, I am Prince Lau Lababwa!" He pricks Lotor's longish hair, which springs out in all directions. "Just let him meet me. I will win your brother!" Keith had enough.

"How dare you!" They all look at him surprised. "All of you, standing around deciding my future? I am not a prize to be won!"  He storms out. Pidge quickly follows after. Shiro sighs. He should have known. Luckily there was the event tonight so hopefully there's still a shot.

"You will get the chance to speak to him again. We hope you can join us tonight, Prince Lau, when we celebrate our harvest."

"Of course, your majesty."

"Matt show Prince Lau where he will be staying and his umm."

"My royal advisor as well," Lance said mentioning Hunk.

"Of course Sultan. This way." Matt gestures. Lance and Hunk follow him to the room. Shiro leaves as well to make sure the preparations of tonight were intact.

"I think it's time to say good bye to Prince Labooboo."

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