14. The Party Dance

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Night finally hit and you could hear the fireworks poping in the sky.

"Don't worry. You are not out of the game yet. Just do whatever you normally do at a party," Hunk told him trying to motivate Lance and holding his excitement. He loved parties. He used to create dishes for them, but it's been so long and wanted to try the new foods if they have changed.

"I've never been to a party." Hunk turned to him shock.


"Oh, you gonna need to go back to the room then. You're not messin' up my night." Hank said seriously but regretted it. He was putting his selfish needs that he wanted. He looked away from Lance guilty and Lance saw this. Being trapped in the lamp for so long I guess he can see why Hunk was like that.

"Prince Lau. May I have a word? Privately?" Hunk ready to follow Lance. "This doesn't concern your servant." 

"Be over there, minding my business." Hunk was heading to the food area when he saw Lance very uncomfortable. Food can wait. He rushed back to Lance. "Excuse me. Prince Lau, your presence is requested." Hunk slowly took him away.

"Thank you, Hunk."

"No problem." They entered more into the party. Hearing the music and people chattering. "Okay, there he is. This is your chance."

"You know what? There are a lot of people. I don't think I can do this." Lance turned but Hunk grabbed his arm gently. 

"You'll be fine." They walk down the steps. 

"Okay. This one's gonna be easy. Now I plan to get some food this time." 

"No. No, no, no, no. You can't leave me. They'll see right through me."

"No, they won't. All you have to do is walk over there." 

"And speak. I also have to speak." 

"Okay, listen to me. I live in a lamp. But this is a party." Hunk was practically begging to go eat. Lance sighed. He was still not sure. But he didn't want to pull away hunk again from the food. 

"Okay." Lance started to walk towards him. Hunk smiled as he started to walk over to the food tables. As Lance got closer, he notices another prince walks up to Keith. 

"Prince Keith!" He bails to sit next to the fountain. Lance was a coward. Hunk, about to try a dish notice's Lance take a seat. He sighs and walks back to him.

"What you doing?" 


"What are you doing?" Hunk repeats.

"I'm just making sure the water's... a good temperature."

"Why are you not over there?" 

"How am I supposed to compete with that? Look at him. He's so princely." 

"You have got to be more confident about what you have to offer." 

"What do I have to offer? Knowledge of how to steal food? How to jump between buildings? Now, Prince Lau, he has jewels." 

"Stop, stop, stop." Hunk sat next to him. "I made you look like a prince on the outside. I didn't change anything on the inside. Prince Lau got you to the door. But Lance has to open it." 

"Oh. See, the sultan does like me. "

"Okay, well, maybe he'll let you be his wife." Keith looks at Prince Lau making a gesture to Shiro. He turns to Pidge.

"Look at that. Another prince more interested in Shiro.

"I don't know. I think this one might be different. He made an entrance and became stupid in the mention of you," Pidge chuckled. Keith rolled his eyes. "Oh, look at him, he's trying so hard. Maybe".

"And that's the problem." 


"No, I'm waiting for the right moment," Lance said.

"No, no. No waiting. We're done waiting." Hunk had to put his foot down.

"No. I'm in charge, okay? I say when it's the right moment." Lance can be confident but dumb when it comes to Keith. Just a little shove. "Really? Really?" Hunk uses his magic to slide Keith to the prince. Lance took a deep breath before facing the two.

"Hi. I'm sorry... about before." He looks at Katie. "About the buying and the future thing. That wasn't me. It-It was me. I don't, I-it was me. I don't have a twin or anything. But, uh, I... um... - You're...-" Lance was becoming shy. He heard clapping and new the song that was about to begin. An idea came to mind. He took one more breath looking at Keith. He can do this. "Would you like to dance?"


"Dance? Would you like to dance with me?" Lance hasn't danced in years. Sure, he loved music, but he ran most his life. But this gave him the boost of confidence in hope to impress the prince. 

"I never danced before." Pidge rolled her eyes.

"Cause it's not your style, coward." Keith glared at her. Keith knew this song. He knew the moves but stopped dancing after the death of Adam. Shiro's former fiancé. He was amazed and brought happiness to know the dance his parents once danced to. Something apart of them and tradition. He just never attended and even being asked before he always denied but looking at Lau. Having his hand out to him with a small bow reminded him of someone. Also, the fact Pidge was teasing his pride seeing him bail.

"Sure." Lance was surprised but couldn't comprehend since Keith already took his hand and led him away. Hunk was surprised to see the progress. He was finally at the food trying it out and happy. So many to try. He didn't realize Lance was about to dance. He thought Lance may be in trouble and didn't know how to dance. He was about to use his magic but saw Lance started to dance smoothly. Keith was even impressed. He did a little smile. Sure, he was a boy playing a girl part but having 2 sons, maybe one or 2 was going to be interested playing that part. Keith and Lance danced smoothly against each other. The dance continued on and Lance, being confident in dancing did a solo. Doing moves that impressed the crowd. After Lance did his land, he looked at Keith. Keith joined in after his solo, continuing to dance with him, but Lance got carried away. Keith became embarrassed being push to the side, so went way. Everyone applauded Lance. The party ended and Lance left with Hunk. They made it back to the room they were staying at.

"He just walked out."

"The backflip was a little bit too far." 

"I was pretty good put there, but nothing seems to impress him."

"Yeah, it's crazy. Not gems or jams or jewels. If I can't impress him, I wonder who can," Hunk said moving his chess piece. He was playing against Carpet.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I'm just sayin' try being yourself? Tell him the truth!"

"No way! If Keith found out I was really some crummy street rat, he'd laugh at me."

"A woman or man appreciates a man who can make them laugh!" Lance pulls the chain turning off the light. Hunk comes out holding the real turban. "Lance, all joking aside, you really oughtta be yourself."

"Hey, that's the last thing I want to be. Okay, I'm gonna go see him. I gotta be smooth, cool, confident. How do I look?"

"Like a prince," Hunk say's sadly.

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