16. The Lamp Stolen

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"Prince Lau, I must apologize." 

"Well, Your Highness, there's something I... I'd like to explain." 

"Your honor and integrity will never again be questioned here in Daibazaal. 

"I... " Lance tried to interject but Shiro kept on.

"A more noble and sincere young man."

"Well, uh... - Wow." 

"I would be honored to call you my brother in law and Sultan."

"- Oooh," Hunk said.

"If that... were something anyone wanted." Keith smiled nodding. Lance and Hunk did a bow before taking there leave. 

"So you got the boy. I mean, trust me, I had some doubts after the showoff thing. But y-you pulled yourself back together a little bit."

"Sultan? They want me to be Sultan?" Hunk looks at his dear friend. Lance walks to the to the bed, where he falls on it and sighs.

"Lance buddy. Are you alright?"

"Hunk.... I can't...."

"I'm sorry?" Hunk was confused.

"Hunk.... I was thinking about my last wish and I just can't do this without you. They wanna make me sultan. No they wanna make prince Lau sultan. Without you, I'm just Lance. I know I told you I'd use it to set you free, but you heard the sultan. I can't let everything we worked for fall apart." Hunk took a moment to process what Lance said, then it finally it click.

"So, you just never tell him the truth? You're gonna keep living the lie?"

"The only reason anyone thinks I'm worth anything is because of you. What if they find out I'm not really a prince? What if Keith finds out? I'd lose him."

"But Lance you're lying to Keith. Think about his feelings."

"Hunk no one got hurt. Everything is better now. You'd rather me be back on the streets stealing to survive? I thought you'd be happy for me. But all you cared about was that I use my last wish to set you free.

"What? Lance....I don't care nothing about that wish. This is about you Lance. What's happening to you. You'd rather lie to somebody you love than give all of this up."

"You don't get it, Hunk. People like me don't get anything except by pretending."

"I think maybe you don't get it. The more you gain by pretending, the less you're actually gonna have. In 10,000 years, I have never once, ever..... called a master a friend. I broke the rules for you, I saved your life. And for what? You're breaking my heart Lance." Hunk disappeared back into the lamp. He needed alone time.

"Hunk, no! Hey, come on!" Lance looked up at Carpet and Kalt. He needed time to think. He picked up the lamp and placed it in his bag. He walked out the palace to the streets. Kalt gently placed on his arm as he walked down.

"Who does he think he is? Saying that to me." Lance knows he's just saying that out of anger but he doesn't mean it. Lance walked through the ally which held many robs hanging. Lotor, disguised as a passerby by gets next to Lance and steals the lamp, using the robs to block the view of Lance. "Hey!" Lance continues walked down the path to his home. Home. His old home. He walks up to the very top. During this time, Lotor rubs the lamp. Hunk comes out hitting his head on the archway.

"Why would you rub the thing under-" Hunk looks at Lotor shocked. Lotor looks at Hunk smiling big. Doing his evil laugh. This makes Lotor start his plan and heads back to the palace. For Lance still not knowing, he sits at the edge of his home. Thinking what Hunk has said to him to heart.

"Riffraff. Street rat. Would they Think that If they look Much closer? Still, I can't play a prince here. No, siree Gotta tell the truth I can't pretend. Even if it means This dream will end. Even if he walks away From me." Lance finally decided to tell the truth. Before he could go back he hears noises from below. He looks down to see the children. He hops down. The kids jump back surpised thinking it was an intruder but when they realize it's Lance they start to cry and run to him.


"We missed you!"

"Where have you been?! We were worried a-and we looked everywhere for you t-then they said you got arrested and w-were all alone again. We thougtht we won't see you again." Thats right. Lance was arrested and has been gone for days... He completely forgot about them. Promising himself he would protect them but he was here playing prince.... He promised he would get them out of here. The streets. He was leaving them behind..... Not again. He instantly hugged them tightly. He let some tears fall.

"I'm sorry I wasn't here for so long and I wish I could tell you what happened.... but I'm back and I'm never leaving you guys again," Lance said looking at them seriously but placed a kiss on the little girls head. The boy touched Lance's clothes. 

"Your clothes are new."

"Yea they are. How about you guys come with me, and I'll get you guys new clothes to. I have to tell Keith the truth about something."

"Prince Keith?"

"Yea. I'll catch you guy's up. Come on." Lance picked the little boy up then held the little girl's hand. Kalt instantly went to jump on the little girl causing her to giggle.  As Lance was ready to head back to the palace he heard a roar. A roar that sounded like Hunk. Lance instantly looked inside his bag seeing the lamp was gone.

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