6. Fruit Cart

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"Okay, Kalt. Go!" Lance yelled at his monkey. Kalt dips over the edge and looks at the Proprietor.

"Try this, your taste buds will dance and sing," The Proprietor says to the passing crowd holding the melon in hand. Kalt grabs a melon and hangs there, getting his attention. "Hey, get your paws off that!"

"Blah blah blah!" Kalt taught.

"Why, you!" He places the melon he held down, to go to Kalt. "Get away from here, you filthy ape!" The Proprietor grabs the melon away from Kalt's hands. But in the background, Lance dips down and snatches another melon from the stand.

"Bye bye!" She zings back up. The Proprietor takes the melon to the front, where he places it on top of a stack. He looks confused, like he had just done this. Kalt excitedly ran to Lance with the prized melon they just stole. 

"Nice goin' Kalt. Breakfast is served." Lance breaks open the melon in half and eats. He was sure hungry. First, he fed the kids from another stall they took food from then let them be since they wanted to wonder around before night.

In the background, Keith in disguise is walking through the streets. Amazed on what he was seeing.

"Pretty lady, buy a pot. No finer pot in brass or silver," the shopkeeper tells Keith. Keith knew the disguise was good, but it can't be that good to be seen as a different gender. 

"Sugar dates, sugar dates and figs! Sugar dates and pistachios!" Another shopkeeper tells him.  He keeps walking down the street.

"Would the lady like a necklace. A pretty necklace for a pretty lady." He is charmed by the action but is startled by a fish thrust into his face.

"Fresh fish! We catch 'em, you buy 'em!"

"I don't think so," he says as he backs away, but bumps into a fire eater, who is startled into swallowing his fire.

"Oh, excuse me."  The man gulps, then belches fire from his mouth. Keith became startled as his hood fell off. The man is pleased and taps his stomach. Lance sees him, and a strange look comes over his face. "I'm really very sorry." Lance was mesmerized. He's obviously deeply in love with him.

"Wow!" Keith pulls the hood of his cloak back over his head. Kalt sees what Lance was looking at. 

"Uh oh." She jumps up on his shoulder, waving her hand in front of Lance's face. "Hello? Hello?"

Keith stops at the fruit stand and sees a young homeless child reaching for a piece of fruit. "Oh, you must be hungry. Here you go." Keith picks one of the apples up and gives it to the little boy. The little boy runs off happily.

"You'd better be able to pay for that," the Mystified says as he heads toward Keith.

"Pay?" Keith said Mystified as the Proprietor grabs onto him.

"No one steals from my cart!"

"Oh, I'm sorry sir. I don't have any money." Keith should have gotten some money before leaving the palace walls.


"Please, if you let me go to the palace, I can get some from the Sultan," Keith said as he freed his hand, but the Proprietor instantly was able to grab his hand again.

"Do you know what the penalty is for stealing?" He takes Keith's hand and pins it down on the table, intending to chop it off.

"No, no please!" The sword drops, but his hand is stopped by Lance's.

"Thank you, kind sir. I'm so glad you've found him," Lance said grabbing the sword from the Proprietor hand and passing it to Keith like it was nothing. He turned to him angrily. "I've been looking all over for you."

"What are you doing?" Keith asks whispering to him.

"Just play along," Lance whispered back.

"You know this girl?" The Proprietor asks as he places a hand on Lance's shoulder.

"Sadly, yes. He is my brother. He's a little crazy," he says as he circles his finger around his ear. Keith is shocked. The Proprietor grabs him by the vest.

"A boy?! Wait he said he knows the Sultan!" Lance pushes the man's hand down to let him go.

"He thinks the monkey is the Sultan," Lance counters. Kalt is picking a pocket as she hears this, then straightens up. Keith, playing along, kneels and bows to Kalt.

"Oh, wise Sultan. How may I serve you?"

"Well, blah blah blah blah." Kalt didn't mind the attention she was receiving.

"Tragic, isn't it?" Lance leans forward, picking up another apple from the cart with his foot. "But no harm done." He walks over to Keith. "Now come along bro. Time to see the doctor." Keith looks to the camel standing nearby. 

"Oh, hello doctor. How are you?"

"No, no, no. Not that one," he says still pushing Keith, then turns to Kalt, whose pockets are bulging. "Come on, Sultan." Kalt bows to the crowd and everything she's stolen from the cart falls out. 

"Huh? What is it?" The Proprietor says as Kalt picks up what she can carry, and the trio ran off. "Come back here, you little thieves!"

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