12. First Wish

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Still as stewardess Hunk stands up. "Thank you for choosing Magic Carpet for all your travel needs. Don't stand until the rug has come to a complete stop."  As Lance and Kalt get off down the stairway formed by Carpet. "Thank you. Goodbye, goodbye! Thank you! Goodbye!" Hunk turns back to normal. "Well, now. How about that, Mr. doubting mustafa?"

"Oh, you sure showed me. Now about my three wishes-" Lance was cut off by Hunk.

"Dost mine ears deceive me? Three? You are down by ONE, boy!"

"Ah, no--I never actually wished to get out of the cave. You did that on your own." Hunk thinks for a second, then his jaw drops. He turns into a sheep.

"Well, don't I feel just sheepish? All right, you baaaaad boy, but no more freebies."

"Fair deal. So, three wishes. I want them to be good."  Lance turns to Hunk. "What would you wish for?" Hunk is hanging like a hammock between two trees. Hunk was shocked to be asked that.

"Me? No one's ever asked me that before. Well, in my case, ah, forget it."

"What? No, tell me."


"You're a prisoner?" Lance asks him.

"It's all part-and-parcel, the whole genie gig." Hunk grows gigantic, voice echoes, "Phenomenal cosmic powers!" then shrinks down, cramped in magic lamp. "Itty bitty living space."

"Ah Hunk, that's terrible." Hunk comes out of the lamp. 

"But, oh--to be free. Not have to go, Poof! What do you need? Poof! What do you need? Poof! What do you need? To be my own master, such a thing would be greater than all the magic and all the treasures in all the world! But what am I talking about, here? Let's get real here. It's not gonna happen. Genie, wake up and smell the hummus."

"Why not?"

"The only way I get outta this is if my master wishes me out. So, you can guess how often that's happened.

"I'll do it. I'll set you free," Lance says confidently. Hunks head turns into Pinocchio's with a long nose. 

"Uh huh, right. Whoop!"

"No, really, I promise." Lance pushes the nose back in and Hunk's head returns to normal. "After make my first two wishes, I'll use my third wish to set you free." He holds out his hand.

"Well, here's hopin'."  Hunk shakes Lance's hand. "O.K. Let's make some magic!"  Hunk turns into a magician. "So how 'bout it. What is it you want most?"

"Well, there's this guy--"

"Eehhh!" Like a buzzer, and hunk's chest shows a heart with a cross through it. "Wrong! I can't make anybody fall in love, remember?"

"Oh, but Hunk. He's smart and fun and...


"Beautiful. He's got these eyes that just...and this hair, wow...and his smile." Hunk creats a scene in a Parisian cafe with Kalt and Carpet. "Ami. C'est l'amour."

"But he's the prince. To even have a chance, I'd have to be a--" an idea clicks to Lance. "Hey, can you make me a prince?"

"Let's see here." Hunk pulls out a "Royal Cookbook. Uh, chicken a'la king?" He pulls out a chicken with a crown on its head. "Nope. Alaskan king crab?" He yanks out his finger and sees Sebastian the crab from "The Little Mermaid" clamped on. "Ow, I hate it when they do that. Caesar's salad?" A dagger comes out and tries to stab him. "Et tu, Brute? Ah, to make a prince. He looks slyly at Lance. "Now is that an official wish? Say the words!"

"Hunk, I wish for you to make me a prince!" Lance says gesturing to himself.

"All right! Woof woof woof woof!" Takes on square shoulders and looks like Arsenio Hall. Then become's a tailor/fashion designer. "First, that fez and vest combo is much too third century. These patches--what are we trying to say--beggar? No! Let's work with me here." Hunk takes Lance's measurements, snaps his fingers and Lance is outfitted in his prince costume. "I like it, muy macho! Now, still needs something. What does it say to me? It says mode of transportation. Excuse me, monkey girl! Aqui, over here!" Kalt tries to cover herself with Carpet, but Hunk zaps her and she flies over.

"Uh oh!"

"Here he comes," Lance and Hunk are on a game show set, where Lance stands behind a podium with "Lau" on it. "And what better way to make your grand entrance on the streets of Daibazaal, than riding your very own brand-new camel! Watch out, it spits!" A door bearing the genie's head on it opens, where Kalt is transformed into a camel. She spits out the side of her mouth on cue. But the genie's not sure. "Mmm, not enough." He snaps his fingers and Kalt turns into a fancy white horse. "Still not enough. Let's see. What do you need?" The genie snaps his fingers repeatedly, turning Kalt into a duck, an ostrich, a turtle, a cow, and a car with license plate "Kalt 1." Finally, he's returned to normal. "Yes!! Esalalumbo, shimin dumbo! Whoa!!" And on the keyword of the spell, Dumbo, Kalt turns into an elephant. Carpet struggles to get out from under Kalt's size 46 feet. "Talk about your trunk space, check this action out!" Kalt sees her reflection in a pool of water, then jumps into a tree. The tree naturally bends right back down to the ground, where Kalt hangs on and looks at Lance upside down.

"Kalt, you look good."

"He's got the outfit, he's got the elephant, but we're not through yet. Hang on to your turban, kid, cause we're gonna make you a star!"


Having done so much work Shiro started staking papers like cards. The meeting with Princess Allura was draining. He knows she is a stubborn but respectable woman. She will be Queen soon and is fulfilled to be in alliance with this kingdom when Keith becomes king too. Having helped her in a battle before, became a good move for peace between the kingdoms. Having fair trade and equal establishment in the meetings has been a hassle. But wanted both kingdoms in peace not war. She returned to her palace receiving news of an upcoming settlement that occurred while she was gone. She would return in a couple days for Keith's wedding. Shiro was just happy to get some peace until Lotor storms in and his stack collapses.

"Sire, I have found a solution to the problem with your brother."

"Awk! The problem with your brother!" Kova says repeating after Lotor.

"Oh, really?" Lotor unrolls a scroll.

"Right here. If the princess or prince has not chosen a husband by the appointed time, then the sultan shall choose for her."

"But Keith hated all those suitors!" Shiro tries to stuff a cracker into Kova's mouth. Kova backs away. Shiro absentmindedly pulls the cracker back. "How could I choose someone he hates?" Kova is relieved, but Shiro quickly stuffs a cracker in her mouth.

"Not to worry, my liege. There is more. If, in the event a suitable prince cannot be found, a prince must then be wed to...hmm...interesting."

"What? Who?"

"The royal vizier! Why, that would be...me!" Shiro was confused. He read the scroll countless times before and never had he read that. He grabs the paper to look it over.

"I thought the law says that only a prince can marry a princess or prince, I'm quite sure."

"Desperate times call for desperate measures, my lord."  Lotor pulls out the staff and hypnotizes Shiro with it.

"Yes...desperate measures..."

"You will order the prince to marry me."

"I...will order...the prince...to..." The spell breaks momentarily "...but you're so mean!" Lotor holds the staff closer. "The prince will marry me!"

"The prince will marry..."The spell is again broken, this time by the trumpet fanfare of Prince Lau. "What? What is that? That music! Ha ha ha. Lotor, you must come and see this!"

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