3. Street Rats

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"And now, esteemed effendi, we feast! All right!" Lance was about to take a bit on the delicious bread till he sees two young children rummaging through the garbage. The girl holds up a fish bone. 'They must be looking for food,' Lance thought.

The girl sees Lance looking at them which scares her. She cowards down and her brother notices her reactions. He turns and does the same. Lance looks at them feeling sad. He looks back at his bread then at his friend. Kalt looks at him, who already taken bites of her bread. She did not want to give it up. She took another bite looking at him. He looks at the children again seeing the girl looking at the food. Lance looked down at it. All the work he went through for this bread. He smiled softly before getting up. He walks to the children. The little girl becomes protective and pulls her little brother back.

"Here, go on-" Lance says holding the bread to them.

"-take it." The girl firmly has her hands on the bread and takes it. The kids giggle with delight to have food finally again. Lance smiles, ruffling the girls head. He can always try to get more later. He slowly started to walk away.

Kalt tries to swallow her bite, then looks guilty. She see's how happy the children looked eating the bread. Maybe haven't eaten in days worth. She didn't want the children to starve. She slowly walks over to the children and offers her bread to them as well. The little girl smiles holding the bread in one hand then gave Kalt a pet on her head as a thank you.

"Ah, don't. Huh?" Kalt said smiling and playing with them till she see's Lance walking into the daylight. Lance walks on the side trying to find out what was going on. Lance was able to peer over the shoulders of people and see what was going on. He see's a very rich dressed prince riding on a horse.

"On his way to the palace, I suppose," the man on his right said.

"Another suitor for the prince," the one on his left said. Lance smiles excited till he was startled by the two children that ran pass him to the street. The little boy runs out in front of the prince's horse, startling it. The little girl was able to grab her brother back so he wouldn't get hit by the horse.

"Out of my way, you filthy brat!" Yelled the prince bringing his whip up. The little girl wraps her arms around her brother. As the prince swings his whip to hit them, Lance was able to jump in front of them making the whip hit his arm, making it wrap around it. Lance grabbed it and yanked it out the prince's hands.

"Hey, if I were as rich as you, I could afford some manners," Lance said. He didn't care if he was a prince. No one hurts children. Especially when he's around. Lance throws the whip back at him in the face.

"Oh--I teach you some manners!" The prince yelled making his horse go to Lance's side so he can kick him. Lance was kicked into a puddle of mud. The crowd laughed at him. No way was Lance going to take that. He just made fun of him and his friend. Lance looked back at the prince.

"Look at that, Kalt. It's not every day you see a horse with two rear ends!" This made the prince stop his tracks at the gate and look back at Lance.

"You are a worthless street rat. You were born a street rat, you'll die a street rat, and only your fleas will mourn you," the prince said as he continued into the castle. Lance was pissed. He rushed to give the prince a piece of his mind but the gates of the castle slammed on him. He looked up on top of the white colored fence.

"I'm not worthless. And I don't have fleas," Lance said scratching his head a bit. He noticed what he did and stopped. "Come on, Kalt. Let's go home," Lance said walking away. The sun was setting as he started walking down the alleys to his home. "Riffraff, street rat. I don't buy that." The sun was set and it was finally dark. Lance continued his path and climbed up to where his home was at. "If only they'd look closer. Would they see a poor boy?" Kalt jumps off and walked to her bed. "No siree." Kalt snuggled on her little pillow bed. Lance placed the little blanket over her to keep her warm. "They'd find out, there's so much more to me." Lance stands up and pulls back a curtain to reveal the beautiful palace in view. He sat down looking at the palace. "Someday, Kalt, things are gonna change. We'll be rich, live in a palace, and never have any problems at all.

"Wow." Lance was startled. He turned seeing the kids from earlier. He relaxed again knowing there was no danger.

"I guess you two took my offer?" Lance said smiling. They nodded. He knew the kids before. He doesn't bump into them as much but worries about them a lot. And tries to help them as well as best he could. Lance had told them before it they needed a place to sleep they were always welcomed in his home. They fidgeted a bit. He pats his bed as a gesture for the kids to come. They slowly started walking to him and get on the bed. Lance smiled. "I see your taking care of that little hat I gave you." The boy smiled at Lance. The boy yawned being very tired of the day. He quickly laid down. The little girl took off her hood ready to sleep as well.

"O no you don't. I see balls in that little of hair of yours. Come here." She smiled as she sat in front of Lance. Lance grabbed a brush that was hidden behind his bed. He brushed her hair softly making sure he won't hurt her. He didn't mind being the care giver to the children. He loved them. It was wrong to send children their age on the streets. He's glad he was able to bump into them again. He first meant them a month's ago. He doesn't know how they survived this long but glad they did. He heard the rumors that their mother left them as she went with another guy for money when their father died. She later died as well.

"Umm Lance...." Lance snapped out of his thoughts looking at the child. "Can we stay with you now? You take good care of us. Mommy never did this and.. Its nice... Papa wasn't bad but didn't give us attention either...." Lance frowned. He never asked them about their parents since he already knew. He shook his head. He turned the little girl around and smiled.

"Of course, you can. I don't mind. I'm sure Kalt doesn't either. You and your brother are welcomed here. I'll do my best to get us out of here." She smiled as she placed her head onto Lance's chest yawning.

"Thank you... Papa..." Lance was shock and had to process what had just happened. Before he could ask, she was already sound asleep. Lance smiled as he placed her on the bed. He pulled the cover over him and the kids. He placed an arm around them protectively. 

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