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[ I'm still not sure who the love interest is going to be in the book, it could be Jake, could be Tsu'tey or it could be an OC. tell me what you guys want. ] 


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It was cold, that was the first thing Kit noticed. Her eyes almost felt sealed shut they were so cold, and when the finally did open there was no room for her to lift an arm to remove the sleep from her eyes. It was a good thing that she didn't get claustrophobic too as she had to wait for the cryo chamber to be activated for it to leave. 

A series of mechanical whines and the chamber emerged into the cryo vault. The bright artificial light made her wince before her eyes adjusted. Looking around it seemed everyone was in the same state, hundreds were opening like morgue drawers, med techs were pulling themselves around in zero-g and tending to all the now awakening people. 

"We're here?" Kit asked as a man floated over to her and undid the restraints tying her down. 

"Welcome to the Pandora airspace," he nodded and moved on. Kit watched him push himself around to get to different people and tried to follow example. It took a moment for her muscles to register that she was awake but once they did it felt like nothing had changed physically. The sensation was almost like a terrible hangover.  "People, you have been in cryo for five years, nine months and twenty two days. You will be hungry, you will be weak. If you feel nauseous, please use the sacks provided for your convenience. The staff thanks you in advance."

Kit scoffed a little at that last bit and pushed herself over to the lockers, they were all in a different uniform that was identifiable. Kit wasn't in camo gear like most others on the ship, instead she wore black cargo trousers with a light blue scrub top. 

"Hey stranger." 

Kit turned to see Jake floating towards her, his legs no issue with the zero gravity. She smiled at him. "Have a nice nap?" 

"Oh yeah, feel like I've been punched by a bottle of tequila." Jake scratched his jaw, "and I think it won." 

"I know how you feel," Kit chuckled but stopped as her breath was drawn from her. Jake turned to see what she was looking at and in the window was an otherworldly view. Kit pushed herself over with the marine following behind. "That's Polyphemus, the gas giant that Pandora circles. Can you believe it's only a moon? There are twelve others too." 

"Damn big moon."

"You got that right, marine." 

Jake and Kit followed their orders and retrieved their sacks where they went to the space shuttles which would take them to the human colony. There was still zero-g when they entered, only when the spacecraft shut would the artificial gravity be turned on. Jake seemed to be loving it as he used his superior arm strength to launch himself ahead of everyone else, looking back for Kit every few seconds. 

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