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[ make a comment here and tell me what your future selves think, you're in for a surprise ] 

[ make a comment here and tell me what your future selves think, you're in for a surprise ] 

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She couldn't think about how Jake had just fallen off a cliff. She just couldn't. Not if she was going to survive this. 

Her leather strap was down and she swung it loosely as she left the body of the group. Surprisingly Tsu'tey didn't make any comments – that she could hear – as she searched for her Ikran. 

Many of the creatures were on edge given the ruckus that Jake had just created and suddenly the area seemed so much larger as she focused on each and every ikran that could possibly be hers. A light blue one with yellow details caught her eye and she crouched slightly, it only hissed at her before flying to the other edge. 

Clearly not meant to be. 

Kit wasn't having much luck as she searched through the masses. They all ignored her or went the other way. Her hope dwindled as she stepped down onto another ledge, the rock tough beneath her bare feet. The leather band still hung ready and she approached one that wasn't looking her way, thinking maybe that a surprise attack was the best way forward when her foot stepped on something smooth. 

The zoologist hadn't thought anything of it as it was nearly pitch black, assuming it was a rock. But then it twitched and the large round boulder which had been at her side unfurled to reveal a black – midnight blue – Ikran with light blue twists and swirls covering its whole body. 

A breath escaped her lungs as she stepped back in awe. He was beautiful. 

The Ikran stretched his wings and roared straight at her, retractable teeth coming down and snapping forward to bite her. His yellow eyes challenged her and that was when she knew that this was the one.

The group behind her hollered and whistled, they'd come closer once she'd stepped down onto the ledge. 

She dropped to a full crouch a bit further from him and hissed, sharp canines pronounced and eyes set on the deadly creature. The ikran lunged for her but she manoeuvred away just in time, spinning out of his reach like she had with Tsu'tey. 

But this wasn't just a defensive fight, so without waisting a second she stepped on the wing and threw the leather strap forward so it wrapped around his muzzle. Kit pulled on the end she had to make it tighter and was light on her feet as it thrashed around. 

"Shahaylu!" Tay'kat yelled, her struggle worrying him. Neytiri and Jake were still gone but they'd flown around them briefly, Jake's first banking turn, so he knew they were okay but he had to focus on his student who never seemed to take the easy way. His sister couldn't help him watch over Kit here so he would remind her of what he could. 

She nearly had his antenna in her grasp when his whole neck swung round and tossed her across the ledge like she weighed nothing. Kit's head raised as she pushed herself up just as the Ikran broke the strap as his jaws opened wide in a colossal roar. 

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