seventeen *

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[ I didn't expect to put a spicy scene in this chapter but it just happened ]

[ I didn't expect to put a spicy scene in this chapter but it just happened ]

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They rode out to the four winds. To the horse clans of the plain.  To the ikran people of the Eastern Sea. When Toruk Macto called them, they came. It had only taken a matter of days and they already had so many willing to fight, and as the word was spreading, more were pouring in. No one knew exact numbers, but the zoologist would reckon there were well over 2,000 of them now. 

All warriors and all ready to fight. It was lucky in a way, that all the humans on Pandora weren't soldiers, otherwise they'd be truly and utterly screwed. But the guns and technology they had proved a problem, the Na'vi were going against them with spears and arrows. It sounded ludicrous when she thought about it, twiddling her newly braided hair. 

Kit had met so many people, her mind couldn't keep up with all the names. She was distracted from Grace's death, focusing on giving the woman a burial. It was a small ceremony with only those closest to her. Intimate, small and respectful – the zoologist hoped she would've liked it. 

Mo'at had permitted for Trudy and Norm to attend, as they were close to her. It was a shame Max couldn't have come, but it would've been too obvious that he was their inside man. They still couldn't risk him. Not with the way Quaritch was rallying Hell's Gate against them. 

With all the changes that had happened since Grace's death, Jake hadn't seen his mate all that much. It ached his heart, not being able to comfort her all the time – knowing that she was grieving. He stood, looking every bit a Omatikaya warrior and chieftain, watching the army gather. 

The sides of his head were shaved and feathers were put into his hair, new weapons given as well. His headpiece seemed to be a permanent accessory now that he never knew when he'd be flying. Toruk let out a mighty screech from beside him, wings stretching as they both watched wave upon wave of people arrive. 

People were looking to him now, as a leader. Toruk Makto had a meaning to these people, he wasn't just a dream walker anymore.  

His woman caught his eye below, walking alongside a campsite before disappearing into the woods. Her appearance had changed too. 

Her hair no longer flowed freely and untouched. Neytiri had braided it in a similar way to her own, weaving in a few leather straps here and there. Her breast covering had changed to a halter-neck cloth that left little to the imagination, looping round her back which was uncommon for traditional Omatikaya garments. 

He knew where she was going, she'd been there often when they hadn't been travelling in the past few days. So in his small relieve, he stroked down the head of Toruk, feeling the rough leathery skin under his fingers. He left his steed there, jumping down a few ledges here and there to get down onto the ground. 

A few warriors came and tried to speak to him and as politely as he could, in his limited Na'vi, he told them he'd return shortly, searching for his mate. They were all very respectful and understanding. Not one had even questioned his origins once things were explained, anyone who rode Toruk was under Eywa's protection and all the Na'vi wanted to share in that experience. 

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